
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] TalentBardSong()

If the AI has the Bard Song Feat, use it.

[edit] Description

Returns TRUE to the calling function if the creature has a Bard Song Feat and uses it.

[edit] Remarks

The SoU version of this function is in x0_i0_talent – including nw_i0_generic will still work, though.

If the caller of the function already has the spell effect from the spell bard song (referenced by row number 411 in spells.2da, but without a corresponding constant value in nwscript.nss), the function will automatically return FALSE.

[edit] Requirements

#include " x0_i0_talent "

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

 author: John Shuell, editors: Lilac Soul, Mistress, additional contributor: Lilac Soul, Graewerld

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