TILESET_RESREF_* Constant Group
From NWN Lexicon
These constants are possible return values for GetTilesetResRef(). The values match those in the associated tileset's .set file.
[edit] Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
TILESET_RESREF_BEHOLDER_CAVES | tib01 | Beholder Caves |
TILESET_RESREF_CASTLE_INTERIOR | tic01 | Castle Interior |
TILESET_RESREF_CITY_EXTERIOR | tcn01 | City Exterior |
TILESET_RESREF_CITY_INTERIOR | tin01 | City Interior |
TILESET_RESREF_CRYPT | tdc01 | Crypt |
TILESET_RESREF_DESERT | ttd01 | Desert |
TILESET_RESREF_DROW_INTERIOR | tid01 | Drow Interior |
TILESET_RESREF_DUNGEON | tde01 | Dungeon |
TILESET_RESREF_FOREST | ttf01 | Forest |
TILESET_RESREF_FROZEN_WASTES | tti01 | Frozen Wastes |
TILESET_RESREF_ILLITHID_INTERIOR | tii01 | Illithid Interior |
TILESET_RESREF_MICROSET | tms01 | Microset |
TILESET_RESREF_MINES_AND_CAVERNS | tdm01 | Mines and Caverns |
TILESET_RESREF_RUINS | tdr01 | Ruins |
TILESET_RESREF_RURAL | ttr01 | Rural |
TILESET_RESREF_RURAL_WINTER | tts01 | Rural Winter |
TILESET_RESREF_SEWERS | tds01 | Sewers |
TILESET_RESREF_UNDERDARK | ttu01 | Underdark |
[edit] Remarks
The tilesets added by the 1.67 and 1.69 patches do not have constants defined that match their values. For reference, they are provided below:
Tileset | ResRef |
Barrows Interior | tbw01 |
Castle Exterior Rural | tno01 |
Castle Interior 2 | tni02 |
City Interior 2 | tni01 |
Fort Interior | twc03 |
Sea Caves | tdt01 |
Steamworks | tsw01 |
Tropical | ttz01 |
[edit] See Also
functions: | GetTilesetResRef |
author: Mistress