
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] TouchAttackMelee(object, int)

Performs a touch melee attack out of turn.

int TouchAttackMelee(
    object oTarget,
    int bDisplayFeedback = TRUE

[edit] Parameters


The target of the touch melee attack.


Display graphical feedback on the attack. (Default: TRUE)

[edit] Description

The caller will perform a melee touch attack on oTarget. This is not an action, and it assumes the caller is already within range of oTarget.

Returns 0 on a miss, 1 on a hit, and 2 on a critical hit.

[edit] Remarks

No combat animations are performed, and no damage is dealt. It simply does a roll to see if the target is hit, and if bDisplayFeedback is TRUE, displays feedback in the combat feedback window.

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Lilac Soul

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