X0 i0 db

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x0_i0_db

This file is an include wrapper for all the database functions, to provide any additional uniqueness support that may be required.

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
dbGetCampaignFloat Retrieve the variable from a campaign database.
dbGetCampaignInt Retrieve the variable from a campaign database.
dbGetCampaignLocation Retrieve the variable from a campaign database.
dbGetCampaignString Retrieve the variable from a campaign database.
dbGetCampaignVector Retrieve the variable from a campaign database.
dbRetrieveCampaignObject Use RetrieveCampaign with the given id to restore it. If you specify an owner, the object will try to be created in their repository. If the owner can't handle the item (or if it's a creature) it will be created on the ground.
dbSetCampaignFloat Add/change a variable in a campaign database.
dbSetCampaignInt Add/change a variable in a campaign database.
dbSetCampaignLocation Add/change a variable in a campaign database.
dbSetCampaignString Add/change a variable in a campaign database.
dbSetCampaignVector Add/change a variable in a campaign database.
dbStoreCampaignObject Stores an object with the given id.

  author: Mistress

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