X0 i0 infdesert
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] x0_i0_infdesert
Desert-specific include file for the infinite desert system.
NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_stringlib .
[edit] Constants
Name | Value | Brief Description |
ENCOUNTER_ASABI1 | x0_asabi_chief+2+3 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_ASABI2 | x0_asabi_shaman+2+3 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_BANDIT | nw_bandit002|nw_bandit003|NOBOSS+3+5 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_BASILISK | NOBOSS+1+1 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_BEETLE | nw_btlfire02|nw_btlbomb|NOBOSS+4+6 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_CAT | nw_cragcat|nw_beastmalar001|nw_panther|nw_cougar+2+5 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_COCKATRICE | NOBOSS+1+1 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_EARTH_ELEM | NOBOSS+1+3 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_FORMIAN | x0_form_worker|x0_form_taskmast+2+5 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_GORGON | NOBOSS+1+1 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_HUMANOID | nw_goblinb|nw_gobchiefb|nw_orca|nw_orcchiefa|nw_gobwiza+3+6 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_HUMANOID2 | nw_goblinb|nw_gobchiefb|nw_gobwiza+6+8 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_MERC | nw_dwarfmerc001|nw_humanmerc002|nw_elfmerc001|NOBOSS+3+6 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_MUMMY | nw_mumcleric|nw_mumfight|NOBOSS+1+3 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_STINGER | x0_stinger_war|x0_stinger_mage|x0_stinger_chief+2+4 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_UNDEAD | nw_shfiend|nw_skeleton|nw_skelwarr01|nw_ghast|nw_ghoul|NOBOSS+3+5 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_WERECAT | NOBOSS+2+4 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_WILLOWISP | NOBOSS+1+1 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_WOLF | nw_dog|nw_direwolf|nw_wolfdireboss+2+5 | Encounter list. |
ENCOUNTER_ZHENT | zhentarimclrf2|zhentarimguard|zhentarimguar007|zhentarimmage003|zhentarimmage|zhentarimguar001|zhentarimguar008+4+6 | Encounter list. |
INF_BASE | "INF_DESERT" | Base tag for this infinite area. |
INF_ENCOUNTER | INF_BASE + "_ENCOUNTER" | Tag for encounter spawn waypoints. |
INF_MAX_RUN_LENGTH | 3 | Maximum length of a run. |
INF_MIN_RUN_LENGTH | 2 | Minimum length of a run. |
MIN_HD_FOR_BOSS | 6 | Hit dice restriction for spawning a boss. |
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
CreateEncounterGroup | Internal function. Takes a string for an encounter type (eg, ENCOUNTER_WOLF) that is a pipe-delimited list of creature blueprints. It will randomly generate the specified number of creatures out of the list and create them in the given location. The last two entries in the list after the + symbol are the min/max number of creatures to generate. The last blueprint in a list is the boss. (To make a list with no boss, simply repeat one creature at the end.) Bosses will be unique and will show up randomly, if the given PC has HD lower than the minimum hit dice required. Each creature in the list will have an equal chance of showing up. Each creature will have the ambient animations spawn-in condition set to make them wander about. |
INF_CreateRandomEncounter | Create a random encounter in the specified area, possibly based on the PC's characteristics. |
INF_CreateRandomPlaceables | Create random decorative placeables in the specified area. |
INF_GetEntryMessage | Message sent to the player the first time they enter an infinite area. |
INF_GetPoolEmptyMessage | Message sent to PC in the case where the pool of generic areas is empty and no new area can be allocated. This should happen very rarely, and the result will be that the PC is returned to the starting point. |
INF_GetNeedKeyMessage | Message sent to PC when they would reach the reward area but don't have the key. |
INF_GetNoStartMessage | Message sent to PC when no starting marker is available, which means they can't enter the desert. This should only happen if the modmaker has forgotten to put down a starting marker! |
INF_GetReachRewardMessage | Message sent to PC when they reach the reward area of the infinite run for the first time. |
INF_GetReachStartMessage | Message sent to PC when they get dropped back to the starting point from within the desert for the first time. |
INF_GetReentryMessage | Message sent to the player when they re-enter an infinite area that they've been to before. |
INF_GetReturnToRewardMessage | Message sent to PC when they reach the reward area of the infinite run on a subsequent re-entry. |
INF_GetReturnToStartMessage | Message sent to PC when they get dropped back to the starting point after the first time. |
PickRandomEncounter | Internal function. Randomly selects one of the encounter lists. |
author: Mistress