X0 i0 match

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x0_i0_match

Library for 'matching' functions. These functions check to see whether a given value matches one of a long set of constants, so they're simple but big and ugly.

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description


Determines whether a creature has an effect.


Check if creature is able use a talent from a selected class in the requested method.
GetRemovalSpell Internal function. Returns a potential removal spell that might be useful in this situation.
MatchAreaOfEffectSpell If the passed in spell is an area of effect spell of any kind.


Returns if the talent is a protective combat spell.
MatchCrossbow Returns TRUE if the item is a crossbow.
MatchDoIHaveAMindAffectingSpellOnMe Do I have any effect on me that came from a mind affecting spell?
MatchDoubleHandedWeapon Returns TRUE if the item is a double-handed weapon.


Returns TRUE if the talent is a protective spell.
MatchInflictTouchAttack Returns TRUE if this spell is one of the Reverse Healing touch attacks.
MatchMeleeWeapon Returns TRUE if the item is a melee weapon.
MatchMindAffectingSpells Is this a mind affecting spell?
MatchNonliving Returns TRUE if the creature is an elemental, undead, or golem.
MatchNormalBow Returns TRUE if the item is a longbow or shortbow.
MatchPersonSpells Is this a charm type spell?
MatchShield Returns TRUE if the item is a shield.
MatchSingleHandedWeapon Is this item a single-handed weapon?


Returns if the talent is a protective spell.


Determines whether a combat talent could be used on an object.


Determines whether a creature could possibly be disarmed.

  author: Mistress, contributor: Graewerld

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