X0 i0 npckilled

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x0_i0_npckilled

Library to handle process of awarding victory after death in battle with NPCs, and also to handle NPC resurrection by the player.

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description
sJustResurrectedVarname X0_I_WAS_JUST_RESURRECTED
sKilledPrefix X0_KILLED_
sResurrectedPrefix X0_RESURRECTED_

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
CreateReplacementNPC Create a replacement for the NPC.
GetNPCJustResurrected Check if the NPC was just resurrected.
GetNPCKilled Determine if the player killed this NPC.
GetNPCResurrected Check if this PC resurrected this NPC
SetNPCJustResurrected Mark the NPC as just having been resurrected.
SetNPCKilled Mark all members of the party as having killed the NPC.
SetNPCResurrected Mark the PC & friends as having resurrected this NPC and clear the 'just resurrected' variable.

  author: Mistress

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