X2 inc globals

From NWN Lexicon


[edit] x2_inc_globals

Many of the functions in this library are specific to the Official Campaign, but it does contain some useful generic database wrappers.<br /><br /> NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_henchman.

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
CallForthHenchman Call this function as a wrapper for retrieving a henchman from hell the henchmen should have been loaded in.

This function is specific to the Official Campaign. It calls DestroyCampaignDatabase for "XP2_TEMP".

CopyAllHenchmen Stores all of a player's henchmen objects to the campaign database.
CopyInventory Internal function. Copies everything from oSource's inventory into oTarget's.

Can be used with either Creatures or Stores.

Does not destroy original.
CopyOriginalFourInventory Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Copies the original 4 henchmen inventories into the Pool of Lost Souls.
CopyVariableIntToDatabase Copies the specified local integer variable from the module into the campaign database.

Wrapper function for GetLocalInt .

Returns an integer variable that is set on the module.


Wrapper function for GetLocalString .

Returns a string variable that is set on the module.

PCBetrayedNathyrra Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Returns whether player betrayed Nathyrra.
PCBetrayedValen Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Returns whether player betrayed Valen.
RemoveInventory Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Used at start of c2 and c3 to "blank" the genie store.
RestoreAllHenchmen Restore henchmen. This function should be called after all other database fetches because it destroys the database.
RestoreHenchmenVariables This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Restores all important variables that the henchmen may have on them from db.

Internal function. Wrapper function for SetLocalInt .

Sets a local integer variable on the module from the campaign database.


Wrapper function for SetLocalInt .

Sets a local integer variable on an object, gained from the campaign database.

RestorePoolOfLostSouls Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Copies the Pool of Lost Souls into the place of the existing one in the module.

Internal function. Wrapper function for SetLocalString .

Sets a local string variable on the module from the campaign database.

RestoreWeaponInt Internal function. Retrieves a campaign integer and saves it to the module as a local integer.
RestoreWeaponVars Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Restores weapon variables.
ReturnToChapter2 Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Wrapper function for SetLocalInt .

Sets an integer variable on the module.


Wrapper function for SetLocalString .

Sets a string variable on the module.

StoreHenchmenVariables Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Stores all important variables that the henchmen may have on them into the database.

Internal function. Wrapper function for SetCampaignInt .

Sets a campaign integer variable gained from the module.


Internal function. Wrapper function for SetCampaignInt .

Sets a campaign integer variable gained from an object.

StorePoolOfLostSouls Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Copies the Pool of Lost Souls.

Internal function. Wrapper function for SetCampaignString .

Sets a campaign string variable gained from the module.

StoreWeaponInt Internal function. Wrapper function for StoreInt.
StoreWeaponVars Internal function. This function is specific to the Official Campaign.

Stores the variables for the intelligent weapon.

Internal function. Wrapper function for GetItemCursedFlag .

[edit] See Also

  author: Mistress, contributor: Graewerld

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