X2 inc shifter

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x2_inc_shifter

Library file of functions tied to the XP 2 shifter class and its abilities.

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description
SHIFTER_DC_EASY 1 Used with the ShifterGetSaveDC function.
SHIFTER_DC_EASY_MEDIUM 2 Used with the ShifterGetSaveDC function.
SHIFTER_DC_HARD 4 Used with the ShifterGetSaveDC function.
SHIFTER_DC_NORMAL 3 Used with the ShifterGetSaveDC function.
SHIFTER_DC_VERY_EASY 0 Used with the ShifterGetSaveDC function.
X2_GW2_EPIC_THRESHOLD 11 Marks the shifter level from which a new polymorph type is selected to upgrade an older one.
X2_GW3_EPIC_THRESHOLD 15 Marks the shifter level from which a new polymorph type is selected to upgrade an older one.

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
ShifterDecrementGWildShapeSpellUsesLeft Returns and decrements the number of times this ability can be used while in this shape.
ShifterGetSaveDC Used for the scaling DC of various shifter abilities.
ShifterMergeArmor Returns TRUE if the shifter's current armor should be merged onto his creature hide after shifting.
ShifterMergeItems Returns TRUE if the shifter's current items (gloves, belt, etc) should be merged onto his creature hide after shiftng.
ShifterMergeWeapon Returns TRUE if the shifter's current weapon should be merged onto his newly equipped melee weapon.
ShifterSetGWildshapeSpellLimits Introduces an artifical limit on the special abilities of the Greater Wildshape forms,in order to work around the engine limitation of being able to cast any assigned spell an unlimited number of times.

  author: Mistress

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