X2 inc summscale

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x2_inc_summscale

Library of functions related to scaling up a summoned creature to match the master's level. (i.e. Epic Shadowlord)

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
SSMGetSummonFailedLevelUp Returns the value of local integer X2_SSM_FAILED_LEVEL_UP.
SSMLevelUpCreature Level up a creature to a specific level.
SSMScaleEpicFiendishServant Scale up a summoned fiendish servant into epic levels.
SSMScaleEpicShadowLord Scale up a summoned shadowlord into epic levels.
SSMSetSummonFailedLevelUp Deletes the local integer X2_SSM_FAILED_LEVEL_UP.
SSMSetSummonLevelUpOK Sets a flag on the summoned creature, indicating that it failed to level up to the level it was required to level up to.

  author: Mistress

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