Toller Cranston's "Strawberry Ice" is possibly the most uninhibited artistic vision ever expressed in figure skating. Way ahead of its time, "Strawberry Ice" remains among the most brilliant assembalges of artistic figure skating talent, possibly ever. Sarah Kawahara, Sandra Bezic, and other artistic legends appear in "Strawberry Ice". To some, Mr. Cranston is considered the "Salvador Dali of The Late 20th Century". Some refer to his style as "Rococo". His desire as an artist was to sculpt a life which was not barred by inhibition or regret. Mr. Cranstons intellect and sense of humor provided the credibility necessary for his acceptance socially, that his message was not merely egocentric. He had a benevolent and relevant purpose for his life and artwork, which were truly one.
Toller Cranston's paintings are immediately recognizable. Fantasy and whimsy, are composed to expose truth, even difficult truths of life. A recurring theme in much of Toller Cranston's work is the strawberry. It is believed that this was inspired by the use of strawberries by Heironumous Bosch in the 1400's. Both Bosch and Cranston, artists ahead their time broke ground for countless others. Mr. Cranston's sense of intellect and sense of humor were famous. He authored many award winning books. As one of our WORLD ART legends, he deserves a special place in art history, as his life was the stage upon which he truly chipped away at inhibition for himself and many others.
John Curry, A figure skating legend exemplifies "Moving Sculpture". An Olympic Champion in 1976, Mr. Curry broke artistic ground, opening the door for greater artistic and individual expression for all skaters. His example is important, as he demonstrates how the simplest of movements may be important, captivating, mesmerizing. WORLD ART emphasizes that "We Are the Art". John Curry shows how we may use all of the major art generes, fine, recording, performing, and decorative, to produce a full and also a complete expression of who we are inside, and what we wish to show the world.
Sonja Henie, known as the most famous, succesful, and
influential figure skater of all time, became among the most popular and
wealthy movie stars in Hollywood after her legendary Olympic career on
the ice. Her influence in skating, in motion pictures, and as an art
collector, is celebrated by WORLD ART. A visionary artist, she made
popular a sport showcasing the four major art genres, Fine, Decorative,
Performing, and Recording. Ms. Henie was a star among stars, who's life
stands as unique in world art history.