
Level 385 in the Sages of the Unknown Shadow
Last Update:
09 Mar 2014
66 deaths

Top 15 Levels

Skill Level Bonus
fighting.melee.sword 1000 779
fighting.defence.parrying 900 676
fighting.defence.dodging 700 570
fighting.melee.heavy-sword 700 544
adventuring.perception 700 453
fighting.special.tactics 700 481
fighting.defence 633 514
fighting.special.weapon 604 504
magic.spells.defensive 600 407
fighting.melee.axe 500 433
magic.spells.offensive 500 415
magic.spells 474 382
adventuring.movement.following.evade 451 386
magic.items.held.wand 450 369
adventuring.movement.following.pursuit 450 386

Top 15 Bonuses

Skill Level Bonus
fighting.melee.sword 1000 779
fighting.defence.parrying 900 676
fighting.defence.dodging 700 570
fighting.melee.heavy-sword 700 544
fighting.defence 633 514
fighting.special.weapon 604 504
fighting.special.tactics 700 481
adventuring.perception 700 453
fighting.melee.axe 500 433
magic.spells.offensive 500 415
magic.spells.defensive 600 407
adventuring.movement.following.pursuit 450 386
adventuring.movement.following.evade 451 386
magic.spells 474 382
magic.methods.mental.cursing 404 374