
Level 440 in the Mano Rossa
Last Update:
03 Mar 2014
87 deaths

Top 15 Levels

Skill Level Bonus
fighting.melee.dagger 852 700
fighting.defence.dodging 850 699
fighting.special.tactics 520 435
covert.hiding.person 500 460
covert.items.weapons 492 460
covert.stealth.outside 459 446
fighting.range.thrown 451 427
covert.items.poisons 450 435
fighting.special.weapon 418 402
covert.items 414 413
fighting.unarmed.grappling 409 380
adventuring.movement.following.pursuit 404 355
covert.stealth.inside 401 411
fighting.points 390 326
covert.points 390 380

Top 15 Bonuses

Skill Level Bonus
fighting.melee.dagger 852 700
fighting.defence.dodging 850 699
covert.items.weapons 492 460
covert.hiding.person 500 460
covert.stealth.outside 459 446
covert.items.poisons 450 435
fighting.special.tactics 520 435
fighting.range.thrown 451 427
covert.items 414 413
covert.stealth.inside 401 411
fighting.special.weapon 418 402
fighting.unarmed.grappling 409 380
covert.points 390 380
covert.lockpick.doors 301 369
covert.lockpick.traps 300 369

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Hirad has chosen to hide 6 skills.