Scanning the titles on the final set of shelves, you see a volume titled 'Sekiri Thanatos: The Life and Times Of'. Looking to learn a little more about your teacher, you grab it and begin to read. Some of the sections seem to jump out at you.
Physical Description: Sekiri Thanatos is tall, radiates an aura of power, and, if not for the walking frame, would be terribly impressive. Decades of travel outside the Unseen University have left him with rather more tan, and rather less girth, than is typical of an older wizard of that fine institution. There is a wry smile upon his face and his eyes glint with something that might be amusement and good humour or it might just be bitterness.

[Look closer at portrait]
Early Life: Sekiri was born into a very poor family, living in a small alley just off the Plaza of Broken Moons. Born the third of four children, he was to have become a craftsman like his older brothers and father, and hence early on picked up many skills helping them with their work. However, given the nearby location of the Unseen University, he often came into contact with servants from the university, and was soon lured by thoughts not of power, but of large, regular meals.
Life at the UU: Once accepted as a student of the Unseen University, he soon took the meals for granted, and began to dream the dreams of power. After this point, he began to diligently apply himself to his studies. He advanced quickly through the ranks, and was offered a place in the Sages of the Unbroken Circle, which he accepted. Not long after this, he was struck by a mysterious malady that also struck most of the residents of the Discworld. After recovering, he reapplied himself to magic, but soon found that his mastery of certain magic's was no longer certain, and he had much more difficulty in attaining new skills. He persevered with his studies though, and eventually reached sixth level wizard before an unfortunate accident lost him the title. Once the other orders began once again accepting members, he left the Unbroken Circle to join the Sages of the Unknown Shadow, and rose through the ranks to that of Seventh level.
Career: Sekiri, an ex-Chancellor of the Faculty and ex-Dean of College, and one of the more senior wizards of the Unseen University, these days attempts to continue his study into the magic of Discworld. Whilst doing so, he also tries to help out new students to the University, with advice, and by sharing knowledge gleaned by his research to date. Other interests include lecturing in 3B, and honing his skills in combat around the Discworld. Much of Sekiri's career has been focused on theorising about magic, rather than formal experimentation.
Present: At the time of this biography, Sekikri Thanatos is still an active member off the Unseen University. Should you run into him, you are welcome to politely ask him a question concerning magic, as long as you ask quickly before he has the chance to notice you are a student and shuffle away. He will also occasionally perform feats of magic to assist others. He is always happy to teach, regardless of how little learning is being sought. Sekiri, never content to rest on his laurels, continues to try and improve both himself, and his knowledge. He always welcomes the opportunity to learn more, so please do not hesitate to discuss anything you have noticed with him.
Attributes: Like he believes most Wizards should be, Sekiri is clearly an intelligent man, and focuses on those pursuits, leaving him slightly less physically able than some. His stats are as follows:
Constitution ... 11 Intelligence ... 23 Wisdom ... 8
Dexterity ... 10 Strength ... 13 Weight ... 77.3kg Height ... 177cm
Skills: A talented Wizard, Sekiri has obviously focused a significant portion of his experience improving the spells branch of magic. Sekiri's skills in all thirty five of the areas of magic and Wizardry taught by the guild are as follows. A full listing of his skills is also available at
this location.
Last Updated: Age 420.
crafts.............. 63 -
| smithing.......... 185 260
| | gold............ 480 426
| carpentry......... 115 220
| | turning......... 200 269
| | whittling....... 200 269
| points............ 200 257
magic............... 444 418
| spells............ 628 476
| | offensive....... 915 671
| | defensive....... 700 534
| | misc............ 401 364
| | special......... 500 400
| methods........... 356 367
| | elemental....... 402 383
| | | air........... 401 382
| | | earth......... 404 384
| | | fire.......... 401 382
| | | water......... 403 383
| | mental.......... 339 417
| | | animating..... 331 411
| | | channeling.... 400 458
| | | charming...... 325 407
| | | convoking..... 315 400
| | | cursing....... 325 407
| | physical........ 352 345
| | | binding....... 400 372
| | | chanting...... 420 383
| | | dancing....... 400 372
| | | enchanting.... 401 372
| | | evoking....... 440 394
| | | healing....... 329 332
| | | scrying....... 334 336
| | spiritual....... 332 314
| | | abjuring...... 516 408
| | | banishing..... 327 311
| | | conjuring..... 219 255
| | | divining...... 271 282
| | | summoning..... 336 316
| items............. 217 260
| | held............ 268 287
| | | wand.......... 301 304
| | | rod........... 371 340
| | | staff......... 300 304
| | worn............ 125 303
| | | ring.......... 300 304
| | scroll.......... 300 304
| points............ 577 460