EntityType  Dependent 
Definition  All data points that are unique to processing a government loan including FHA, VA, Rural Housing, etc. This contains the contents of the combined FHA_BORROWER, FHA_VA_BORROWER and VA_BORROWER containers from Version 2.Created a new container with contents of FHA Borrower, VA Borrower, and FHA_VA Borrower 

Attribute/Logical Rolename  Domain  Datatype  NULL  Definition 
CAIVRSIdentifier  MISMOIdentifier  VARCHAR(0)  NO  An identifier assigned by HUDs Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System, an interactive system used to check the applicants outstanding federal obligations. 
FHABorrowerCertificationLeadPaintIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  Property built prior to 1978, Lead Paint Notice provided to borrower. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 25(6) 
FHABorrowerCertificationOriginalMortgageAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  Original mortgage amount of property that was sold with in the past 60 months secured by HUD/FHA mortgage. FHA Borrower Certification HUD92900-A (FHA/VA Addendum to URLA) value used in Section 22c: Original Mortgage Amount. 
FHABorrowerCertificationOwnFourOrMoreDwellingsIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  Does borrower own four or more dwellings. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 22f. 
FHABorrowerCertificationOwnOtherPropertyIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  Do you own or have you sold other real estate within the past 60 months on which there was a HUD/FHA mortgage? FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A, (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA) Section 22a: 
FHABorrowerCertificationPropertySoldCityName  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  City of property sold in the past 60 months on which there was a HUD/FHA mortgage. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 22d 
FHABorrowerCertificationPropertySoldPostalCode  MISMOCode  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Postal Code of property sold in the past 60 months on which there was a HUD/FHA mortgage. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 22d 
FHABorrowerCertificationPropertySoldStateName  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  State of property sold in the past 60 months on which there was a HUD/FHA mortgage. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 22d 
FHABorrowerCertificationPropertySoldStreetAddressLineText  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Street address of property sold in the past 60 months on which there was a HUD/FHA mortgage. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 22d 
FHABorrowerCertificationPropertyToBeSoldIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  If owned property within the past 60 months that was secured by a HUD/FHA mortgage, is it to be sold? FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A, (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA) Section 22a: 
FHABorrowerCertificationRentalIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  Property covered by mortgage is to be rented, or is adjacent to rental properties involving eight or more dwelling units in which the borrower has a financial interest. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 22e 
FHABorrowerCertificationSalesPriceAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  Sales price of property sold in the past 60 months that was secured by HUD/FHA mortgage. FHA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A, (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA) Section 22b: 
FHA_VABorrowerCertificationSalesPriceExceedsAppraisedValueType  FHA_VA_BorrowerCertificationSalesPriceExceedsAppraisedValueEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  FHA/VA Borrower acknowledgement when Sales Price exceeds the Appraised Value. FHA/VA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 25(3)
VABorrowerCertificationOccupancyType  VABorrowerCertificationOccupancyEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  VA Borrower Certification type of occupancy. VA Borrower Certification, HUD-92900-A (HUD/VA Addendum to URLA), section 25(2)
VABorrowerSurvivingSpouseIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  VA Borrower Surviving Spouse Indicator 
VACoBorrowerNonTaxableIncomeAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar amount of the monthly income that is not subject to taxation for a co-borrower. 
VACoBorrowerTaxableIncomeAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar amount of the monthly income that is subject to taxation for a co-borrower. 
VAFederalTaxAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The monthly amount of federal income tax from the applicable table for VA loans. 
VALocalTaxAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The monthly amount of income tax other than that paid to state or federal governments from the applicable table for VA loans. 
VAPrimaryBorrowerNonTaxableIncomeAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar amount of the monthly income that is not subject to taxation of the primary borrower. 
VAPrimaryBorrowerTaxableIncomeAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar amount of monthly income of the borrower that is subject to taxation. 
VASocialSecurityTaxAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The monthly amount of social security tax from the applicable table for VA loans. 
VAStateTaxAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The monthly amount of state income tax from the applicable table for VA loans. 
VeteranStatusIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  Indicates whether the borrower qualifies as a Veteran under HUD guidelines and that the loan application should be evaluated as a 203(b)(2) Veteran Loan. If any borrower qualifies as a Veteran under VA guidelines then the loan (including all borrowers) ma 

Key Name  Key Type  Keys 

Parent Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Supertype 
BORROWER  Identifying  One to Zero or One          NO 
Child Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Subtype 

Check Constraint Name  CheckConstraint 

Name  Current Value 

GOVERNMENT_BORROWER User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  Description 

Name  Type  Rule Text/Value