EntityType | Dependent |
Logical Entity Name | BUYDOWN_RULE |
Definition | |
Note |
BUYDOWN_RULE Attributes |
Attribute/Logical Rolename | Domain | Datatype | NULL | Definition |
BuydownBaseDateType | BuydownBaseDateEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | The date from which the duration of the buydown is counted. |
BuydownBaseDateTypeOtherDescription | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Buydown Base Date Type. |
BuydownCalculationType | BuydownSubsidyCalculationEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | The value to be used to base buydown calculations. Original loan amount or declining loan amount. |
BuydownChangeFrequencyMonthsCount | MISMOCount | INTEGER | NO | The time interval in months between interest rate increases during the buydown period. For example if the interest rate increases annually during a two year buydown, the frequency of interest rate change is 12 months. |
BuydownDurationMonthsCount | MISMOCount | INTEGER | NO | The total number of months during which any buydown is in effect. This represents the accumulation of all of the buydown periods. |
BuydownIncreaseRatePercent | MISMOPercent | DECIMAL(0, 2) | NO | The amount by which the interest rate can increase at each adjustment period within the buydown duration. |
BuydownInitialDiscountPercent | MISMOPercent | DECIMAL(0, 2) | NO | The percent by which the interest rate was bought down at origination. For example, for a 3-2-1 buydown this would be 3. |
BuydownLenderFundingIndicator | MISMOIndicator | BIT | NO | Indicates whether or not the lender is funding the interest rate buydown. |
BuydownPayoffDisbursementType | BuydownPayoffDisbursementEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | Describes how the remaining buydown funds are disbursed at time of payoff. |
Key Name | Key Type | Keys |
BUYDOWN_RULE Relationships |
Parent Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Supertype |
BUYDOWN | Identifying | One to Zero or One | NO |
Child Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Subtype |
BUYDOWN_RULE Check Constraints |
Check Constraint Name | CheckConstraint |
BUYDOWN_RULE Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
BUYDOWN_RULE User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | Description |
BUYDOWN_RULE Data Movement Rules |
Name | Type | Rule Text/Value |