EntityType | Dependent |
Logical Entity Name | ADDRESS |
Definition | The Collection of Address related data points that are used in many contexts.The Collection of Address related data points that are used in many contexts. The primary use case for this container is to support mailling material to the address. V2 ADDRESS container was implicitly a mailing container, V3 will be explicitly for mail. With in this use case there are sub cases. 1. Transfer of information so that the recipient may mail to a personal address as a single piece of mail 2. Transfer of information so that the recipient may send a package by mean including, but not restricted to the USPS 3. Transfer of information so that the recipient may include the address in a bulk mailing to a personal address 4. Transfer of information so that the recipient may mail a single piece of may to a business Address is based upon USPS publication 28. Pub-28 has two sections, format of an address on a piece of mail and data points that MAY compose an address. The data point noun children of ADDRESS are the union components of an address on a piece of mail or a package. The reciever of an address that uses it to format a mail label would need to appliy the formating requirements of pub-28. For example: Pub 28 refers to the address "last line" as being composed of the City --single space--State--single space--ZIP. Insertion of the space seperators would be the responsibility of the mail sender system. The ADDRESS container holds the City, State and Postal code values. Postal Code vs ZIP CODE MISMO V2 used Postal Code, to to represent the possibility of the mail recipient being at an address outside the US. We will continue that distinction. Pub-28 defines a mail format that is complient with the international mailing standard defined by the UPU. Pub-28 points out that for mail that crosses internationl borders the format of the sending country should be used. The USPS international format is to have COUNTRY as the last line of the address on the piece of mail. The ADDRESS container has a noun child data point for Country. It is the responiblity of the user of the data to plac to correct values on the piece of mail correctly. NEED TO IDENTIFY THE NAME OF THE FIELDS IN THE PUB 28 WHEN MISMO CHOOSES TO DIVERT Include information regarding if...then on using unparsed vs. parsed information |
Note |
ADDRESS Attributes |
Attribute/Logical Rolename | Domain | Datatype | NULL | Definition |
AddressAdditionalLineText | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | Address information that cannot be contained in the Address Line Text. |
SequenceNumber | XSD:Integer | INTEGER | YES | An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. |
AddressLineText | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The address with the address number, pre-directional, street name, post-directional, address unit designators and address unit value. |
AddressType | AddressEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | Specifies the type of address. |
AddressTypeOtherDescription | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Address Type. |
AddressUnitDesignatorType | AddressUnitDesignatorEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | An additional address designation that further defines the delivery location. Example: Apartment, Building, Condo, Suite, Room, Mail Stop, Unit, etc. This list is based on the USPS Publication 28 on Postal Addressing Standards with the addition of Condo based on mortgage industry need. |
AddressUnitDesignatorTypeOtherDescription | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The description of the Address Unit Designator Type when Other is selected as the option from the enumerated list. |
AddressUnitIdentifier | MISMOIdentifier | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The identifier value associated with the Secondary Address Unit Designator. Example: 123, C, B1C, etc. |
CarrierRouteCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A postal carrier route code is a part of the complete carrier route. The carrier route code is 4 characters consisting of 1 letter for the type of carrier route and 3 digits for the carrier route. The complete carrier route identifies a group of addresse |
CityName | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The name of the city. |
CountryCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The two-character representation of the country. |
CountryName | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The name of the country. |
CountyCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | Code identifying the county within a state. (Designator Code based on FIPS Publication 6-4) |
CountyName | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The name of the county within a state. (Designator Name based on FIPS Publication 6-4) |
DeliveryPointBarCodeCheckValue | MISMOValue | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A check digit calculated using the MOD 10 method on the total of all 10 digits that make up the bar code for use in the Delivery Point Bar Code (DPBC). The DPBC is an 11 digit (plus check digit) barcode, containing the ZIP Code, ZIP+4 Code, and the delive |
DeliveryPointBarCodeValue | MISMOValue | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A code maintained by the USPS representing a delivery point (DP) which is a single mailbox or other place at which mail is delivered. This may be appended to the combination of zip code and zip+4 code for the purposes of creating a barcode. |
MailStopCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | Uniquely identifies an individual or office within a private company for the purposes of internal mail distribution. USPS calls this a MailStop Code (MSC). |
PlusFourZipCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | This is the additional four digits in the code |
PostalCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The postal code (ZIP Code in the US) for the address. ZIP Code may be either 5 or 9 digits. |
PostOfficeBoxIdentifier | MISMOIdentifier | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The identifier of the locked box located in the post office lobby or other authorized place that customers may rent for delivery of mail. |
RuralRouteIdentifier | MISMOIdentifier | VARCHAR(0) | NO | An address for mail that is to be delivered to rural delivery route including both the rural route identifier and the box identifier. |
StateCode | MISMOCode | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The two-character representation of the US state, US Territory, Canadian Province, Military APO FPO, or Territory. |
StateName | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The name of the US state, US Territory, Canadian Province, Military APO FPO, or Territory. |
StreetName | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The official name of a street assigned by a local governing authority. |
StreetPostDirectionalText | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The directional symbol that represents the sector of a city where a street address is located. Example: E, W, N, S, NE, NW, SE, SW. |
StreetPreDirectionalText | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The street vector or the direction the street has taken from some arbitrary starting point. Example: E, W, N, S, NE, NW, SE, SW. |
StreetPrimaryNumberText | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The number assigned to a building or land parcel along the street to identify location and ensure accurate mail delivery. |
StreetSuffixText | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The trailing designator in a street address or the appropriate abbreviation. Example: Drive, Way, Court, Street, etc. |
Key Name | Key Type | Keys |
ADDRESS Relationships |
Parent Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Supertype |
ADDRESSES | Identifying | One To Zero or More | NO | ||||
CREDIT_FILE_OWNING_BUREAU | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
CREDIT_BUREAU | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
CREDIT_CONSUMER_REFERRAL | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
ASSET_HOLDER | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
BILLING_ADDRESS | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
ESCROW_PAID_TO | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
FEE_IDENTIFIED_SERVICE_PROVIDER | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
FEE_PAID_TO | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
FEE_REQUIRED_SERVICE_PROVIDER | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
CREDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
EMPLOYER | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
NEAREST_LIVING_RELATIVE | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
EXECUTION | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
LIABILITY_HOLDER | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
SERVICE_PAYMENT | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
OWNED_PROPERTY | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
PROPERTY | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
PROPERTY_UNIT | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
CREDIT_LIABILITY_CREDITOR | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
CREDIT_INQUIRY | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
LANDLORD | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
RESIDENCE | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
CREDIT_TRADE_REFERENCE | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
RIGHT_TO_CANCEL_CONTACT | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
REQUEST_FOR_COPY_OF_TAX_RETURN | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO | ||||
SERVICER_QUALIFIED_WRITTEN_REQUEST_MAIL_TO | Non-Identifying | Zero or One to Zero or One | NO |
Child Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Subtype |
ADDRESS Check Constraints |
Check Constraint Name | CheckConstraint |
ADDRESS Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
ADDRESS User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | Description |
ADDRESS Data Movement Rules |
Name | Type | Rule Text/Value |