EntityType  Dependent 
Logical Entity Name  LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL 
Definition  Collection of data point paramters that describe a loan product. This includes DEAL specific information that MAY influence the sell side pricing of the loan 

Attribute/Logical Rolename  Domain  Datatype  NULL  Definition 
AntiSteeringComparisonType  AntiSteeringComparisonEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies how the loan conditions have been changed for this comparison instance for the purposes of anti steering (safe harbor) regulatory requirements.
AntiSteeringComparisonTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field which contains the description of the Anti-Steering comparison type when Other is selected as the Anti-Steering Comparison Type. 
BorrowerSelectedAntiSteeringComparisonType  AntiSteeringComparisonEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies the loan characteristic(s) used as the basis for the comparison loan chosen by the Borrower.
BorrowerSelectedAntiSteeringComparisonTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field which contains the description of the Anti-Steering comparison type when Other is selected as the Borrower Selected Anti-Steering Comparison Type. 
DiscountPointsTotalAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The total dollar amount estimated or paid as discount points for this loan product 
FNMHomeImprovementProductType  FNMHomeImprovementProductEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Denotes the Fannie Mae specific home improvement product.
GFEComparisonType  GFEComparisonEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies how the loan conditions have been changed for this comparison instance for the purposes of GFE requirements.
GFEComparisonTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field which contains the description of the GFE comparison type when Other is selected as the GFE Comparison Type. 
LoanProductStatusType  LoanProductStatusEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  The status of the particular loan product.
NegotiatedRequirementDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Describes an addition or exception to standard requirements. 
OriginationPointsOrFeesTotalAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The total dollar amount estimated or paid as origination points or fees for this loan product at the selected rate. 
OriginationPointsOrFeesTotalRatePercent  MISMOPercent  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The total dollar amount estimated or paid as origination points or fees for this loan product, reflected as a percentage of the loan amount. 
ProductDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text description of a Product, which is a provider-defined offering of goods or services, including mortgage loans. 
ProductIdentifier  MISMOIdentifier  VARCHAR(0)  NO  The providers unique identifier of a product, which is a provider-defined offering of goods or services, including mortgage loans. 
ProductName  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  The business name of a product, which is a provider defined offering of goods or services, including mortgage loans. 
ProductProviderName  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  The name of the provider of the defined offering of goods or services. 
ProductProviderType  ProductProviderEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies the role of the provider of the defined offering of goods or services.
ProductProviderTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Product Provider Type. 
RefinanceProgramIdentifier  MISMOIdentifier  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Identifies the refinance program associated with the loan as identified by a specific entity. 
SettlementChargesAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The total dollar amount estimated or paid as settlement charges for this loan product. 

Key Name  Key Type  Keys 

Parent Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Supertype 
LOAN_PRODUCT  Identifying  One to Zero or One          NO 
Child Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Subtype 

LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL Check Constraints 
Check Constraint Name  CheckConstraint 

LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  Description 

LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL Data Movement Rules 
Name  Type  Rule Text/Value