Discworld Etiquette


This is just plain good manners.


This is an attempt to explain my philosophy on grouping, it may or may not match that of other players.

More thoughts on Grouping

When I'm leading a group, whether I'm the tagged leader or not, there are decisions I expect to make and things that I expect to be in control of, these include moving the group round, where the loot goes and who buries what. I also expect to be responsible for making sure that everyone is ready before we start combat or enter an aggresive area, e.g. that people have shields / dusties etc.

If someone else is leading the group, I expect them to do these things too. If you're so busy chasing off somewhere that my shield which was knocked down gets left behind, I'm not going to be comfortable with your style of group leadership.

If you're in a PK group, or are a PK in a mixed PK / NPK group, and plan on attacking (which is any aggressive PK interaction including stealing) another PK, check with all your groupmates (even npk ones) that they are happy with this, and if they're not, either ungroup, give them the option to ungroup, or leave it till later. The person you are attacking may be a friend of theirs. I won't tolerate those that I am in a group with attacking my friends, and I don't expect my friends to tolerate their group members attacking me.

Gittish Gameplay

Anything that you wouldn't want others to do to you. Note that doing such things to others may lead to others doing such things to you, and the players "doing to you" may be bigger than the players that you "did to".

NPKs should be aware that their NPKness will not always protect them from the consequences of some forms of gittish behaviour, and that if they are subject to such retaliations as are possible against them, neither the mud admins nor other players are likely to be particularly sympathetic if they are deemed to have brought those repercussions upon themselves, provided in the case of mud admin that those repercussions do not exceed certain limits that mud admin may determine.

PK / NPK Interaction Issues

This tries to be a guideline for non-PK (NPK) players about involvement in PK issues. PKs can kill each other, loot each other's corpses and steal from each other. This is level of player - player interaction that NPKs do not have. However, there are some PK issues that NPK players may need to be aware of. Amything here that an NPK should not do, it is equally wrong for a PK to ask an NPK to do.

Note that if mud admins judge you to be repeatedly in breach of these rules, they may apply various sanctions, including making you PK or deleting your character.