Magic 101

UU Maps
Joining UU
From the carriage stop outside UU, go:
w, nw, w, w, w, w, w, u
Then use the command:
and the Wizened Old Man will give you an amulet. Now go:
and Ragnel will greet you, give you a copy of the Occult Primer that is also a talker and teach you some basic commands and the wizard_spells language.
Mass Communication. Like a chat system. You may have already obtained one with your voucher, the guild gives you a new one, the Occult Primer has this quality.
Important You only want one talker in your inventory at a time!
Really useful commands are:
talker brief
talker colour on
talker echo on
talker all on
syntax talker
Various Magic commands are learned as your skills progress, either in or on entering the Student Lounge, or from the Lecturer in Recent Runes. Magic commands can not be taught by other players.
Other skill related commands may be taught by other players or some NPCs. Members of the teacher club may help. Useful command:
who teacher

Guild Commands

These commands can not be taught by or learned from other players!

The requirements levels in this table are subject to revision!

Command Requirement Learned Verified
cast a castable spell a feature of spells Aug 2006
contemplate either (a) 52 levels of magic.spells.special
or (b) Guild Level between 21 and 25
Lecturer in Recent Runes Aug 2006
forget wizard when joining Aug 2006
octograve 31 levels of magic.spells.special when advancing skills Aug 2006
recharge 100 levels in magic.items Lecturer in Recent Runes Elemos
remember wizard when joining Aug 2006
scribe 51 levels of magic.items.scrolls Lecturer in Recent Runes July 2006
spellcheck 6 levels of magic.spells Lecturer in Recent Runes Aug 2006
Arranging / Stats
If you need to ask, don't do it yet. There is old advice elsewhere on the web, so old that it may not relate to the current skills and stats.
My suggestions are: int: 16 ~ 18, str: 14 ~ 16, wis: 10 ~ 12, con: 10 ~ 12, dex: 10 ~ 12. As a general principle, if you need to ask for advice on a re-arrange you're not ready to do it yet!
My stats? Do you really want to know? Are you sure? Click
You can advance skills in the Student Lounge, just South of the old man. Useful commands:
help here
help advance
help cost
help skills
syntax advance
syntax cost
syntax skills
Note that some of these commands are location specific and will only work in specific rooms, others will work anywhere.
You can also "tm" skills (see: help taskmaster) and learn skills from other players.
The guild will teach you to different levels in different skills. For example, only to level 5 in faith skills.
Before joining an order, it is probably a good idea to advance or learn enough levels in the various skill trees to use certain non magic commands, such as slip and palm (covert), fix and leatherwork (crafts), and if you plan on using any melee, weapon specials (fighting). Apart from anything else, it is believed that the tm system prevents tms occuring in the same skill tree for some period after any tm in that tree, so doing things that tm in other trees increases the likelihood of magic tms. Other important skills are health, perception, and swimming, because one day you will walk or fall into a river, lake, pond or stream. A wide range of commands are available including:
Spells can be learned from spellbooks or scrolls. A spellbook with basic spells for beginners is located in the UU Gymnasium, which is also protected against some of the more harmful effects of casting spells. Note, however, it is not a death proof room. You can cast targeted spells on the demon that is chained there, Dwmmigh. Similar facilities may exist in other guild houses.
More advanced spells can be found in spellbooks in various libraries. They may be harder to cast and have more violent effects when failed.
You can also remember spells from scrolls. Doing this uses the scrolls and special skills.
The cloisters exist for young wizards to investigate magic and improve their skills. It is rumoured that, it is possible to advance to level 10 in magic simply by walking from classroom to classroom, studying the apparatus, listening to the lecturers, reading the occult primer and manipulating the various pieces of equipment. Examination will reveal to the observant student both the item to manipulate and the means of doing so.
Map here. Unseen University Library Navigation Simulator here.
Never ever say the word "monkey" in the presence of the librarian. He will kill you.
Be alert when navigating the library. It has distortions. These will move around, and may create extra room exits or replace existing ones. If you enter a room exit that is actually a distortion, you will be transferred to a random location in the randomly created maze that is "L-Space". No player can come and rescue you. You have to find a "gap" exit, use godmother, or use a ring of recall if you have one and the skills to use it.
It's a maze, so if you understand the principle of wall following, that may help, otherwise you're down to wandering aimlessly at random until you get out.
Apply to the wibble board of the faculty club (refer club faculty).
Search the streets of Ankh-Morpork, you will find coins and items that may be sold in general stores. One of these is 3 east and south from the Mended Drum.
Some basic conjuring spells may create items that you can sell, for example magic funnels (in general stores) and pickling sticks (to non wizard players), and casting these relatively easy spells will also generate tms (help taskmaster).
Sined is not a financing service for student wizards.
There are several reasons to choose an order, which reason you base your choice on, and the order you pick, are up to you.
Getting Started
You should have a talker, some XP and a few dollars when you reach the guild. My suggestion is that after joining you use the money and XP to advance magic to level 1, and then explore the cloisters. The classes here will enable you to tm at low levels. Pay attention to things in the classrooms, appropriate examination of things with look will reveal items and command that can be applied to them. You may need to "drill down" through the descriptions and analyse them for possible verbs, then use the syntax command to determine the exact use. Visit each classroom in turn, using the classroom to practice your magic skills. Read the relevant page from the occult primer in each classroom. If you don't tm, just move on to the next classroom.


This is the hubwards side of the cloisters, the covered walkway that runs around the sides of the quadrangle of New Court.  Just turnwise of here is one corner of the walkway, with an archway leading into one of New Hall's towers.  The cloisters also continue widdershins, while a door with a brass plaque on it leads hubwards.
There are three obvious exits: north, south and east.
> east
You open the hubwards door.
This classroom has a couple of workbenches along the side walls and a blackboard on the far wall.  Some sort of apparatus seems to have been set up on a bench.
There is one obvious exit: west.
Biffy Loaber is standing here.
You close the west door.
Biffy Loaber shakes hands with you.
> l apparatus
The apparatus seems to consist of a glass bell in which a small earthworm is crawling about.
> l bell
This thin glass bulb has the form of a bell, obviously to keep the worm from escaping.
> l bulb
Cannot find "bulb", no match.
> l worm
The small worm looks recently fetched from the nearest compost heap.  It doesn't seem too happy about the situation.
> l blackboard
This is a large blackboard, firmly attached to the wall.
> l benches
Along one of the side walls is a workbench with a piece of apparatus standing on it.
> l workbench
Along one of the side walls is a workbench with a piece of apparatus standing on it.
> l biffy
Biffy is one of the university's more muscular graduate wizards and seems to be the demonstrator for this class.
He is in good shape.
He is standing.
Wearing : a pair of soft leather shoes, a brown velvet and vermine robe and a pointy wizard's hat.
> 'help
You say: help
> sayto biffy help
You say to Biffy Loaber: help
> sayto biffy help apparatus bell earthworm
You say to Biffy Loaber: help apparatus bell earthworm
Biffy Loaber exclaims: About time you asked! This apparatus consists, as you can see, of a worthless worm in a glass bell!
Biffy Loaber exclaims: Well, by concentrating on the worm, I try to hurl a mass of magic at it and make it cringe!
Biffy Loaber focuses his gaze on the worm in the glass bell.
The earthworm starts cringing.
Biffy Loaber stops staring at the worm.
The earthworm stops cringing.
Biffy Loaber exclaims: See! It's not hard, but I guess a novice like you might have to try it several times!
Biffy Loaber exclaims: Well, what are you waiting for, Hogswatchnight?! Get at it!
> syntax focus
You have an alias called 'focus'.
Could not find the verb 'focus'.
> syntax gaze
Forms of syntax available for the command 'gaze':
gaze [at] <any-living> <string>
gaze <string> [at] <any-living>
gaze [at] <any-living>
> syntax stare
Forms of syntax available for the command 'stare':
stare <string> [at] <any-living>
stare <any-living> <string>
stare <any-living>
stare <string>
> syntax concentrate
Forms of syntax available for the command 'concentrate':
concentrate on <object>
concentrate <object>
concentrate [on] <living>
concentrate stop
> concentrate on worm
You concentrate on the earthworm.
You hurl a mass of offensive magic at the earthworm, which starts to cringe involuntarily.
You stop concentrating on the worm.
The earthworm stops cringing.

After spending some time in the cloisters, you will hopefully have some more XP, and a few magic tms. Now advance magic a bit further, learn a couple of the spells that require no components in the gym, such as Collatrap's Instant Pickling Stick, Malich's Penetrating Ocular Lance, Grisald's Chilly Touch, Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion, Eringyas' Surprising Bouquet, Independent Recurring Vocaliser, Boolywog's Forbidden Pleasures, Torqvald's Many Colours, and cast these in the gym, using Dwmmigh or the chest as a target if needed.

Later on, get copies of Brassica Oleracea Ambulata, Master Woddeley's Luminescent Companion, and Objandeller's Thaumic Funnel from the conjuring book, and add these to your casting repertoire. These are all reasonably easy spells to cast, and will tm well at low levels. They are also safe, and will allow you to store XP for later. At this point the only skill you really need to spend XP on advancing is magic.spells.special to fit the spells you're using into your head.

Continue to cast these spells one after the other until you get bored. Then look on the discworld mud website quests list. These may have financial rewards as well as xp. Please note that some quests have a large degree of randomness involved and may be tedious to complete, others may involve skillchecks or some sort outlay in terms of money or equipment, and any quests that require you to kill an NPC should be approached with a great deal of caution at this stage. However, some quests are reasonably newbie friendly, and I would suggest looking at level 1 quests based in Ankh Morpork to start with.