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GameSpy Replacement: Change to hosts File

In order to replace the server listing function once provided by GameSpy, NWNCX 0.2.7 and later, along with, makes use of SkywingL's alternative server listing data. The quickest way to get included on this listing server is to alter the "hosts" file on the server.

The location of the hosts file varies with each version of the operating system (reference). For example, on a Windows XP or Windows 7 Professional installation, it can be found in the WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc folder. It can be opened with Notepad or other plain text editor.

To get listed with a couple of existing services, add the following lines to the end of the file, save, and restart nwserver.exe.    # SkywingL's substitute listing server  # Visavent's gamespy replacement