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Neverwinter Nights Client Extender (NWNCX)

The Neverwinter Nights Client Extender is a set of files that modifies the player-side game client software. Created by virusman (a programmer that is heavily involved with NWNX2 (the server-side Neverwinter Nights Extender), NWNCX is designed to improve the base game for players.

For the player, it does a few very noticeable things:
• removes the long wait for the (non-functional) Master Server to time out
• unlocks the game's camera angle limitation (so you can do things like look straight up to see more of the game)
• makes it possible to see new weapon visual effects, beam effects, and "skin" effects (like with barkskin) in-game
• opens the possibility for open-face helms (custom content creators needed for this)
• gives DMs the ability to use "instant feats" while possessing an NPC
• restores multiplayer server listing in-game (using data from Skywing's replacement listing server)
     Admins: Get your server listed with a hosts file change or the NWNX2 Server List plugin.

The current version of the NWNCX is 0.2.9. If you want to use this, you will need the following file:
NWNCX - Neverwinter Nights Client Extender (by virusman) (virusman's server)
NWNCX - Neverwinter Nights Client Extender (by virusman) (.rar, repacked for users getting an archive error)
NWNCX - Neverwinter Nights Client Extender (by virusman) (.7z, repacked for users getting an archive error)

Installation instructions are included in a readme.txt file inside the compressed archive. This is a very small download, just over 100 kb.

For the "patch" option with this, players need to start with an unmodified nwmain.exe file. If you already have your game modified with a camera angle hak, this will not function properly for you.

NWNCX works only with Windows.

Optional: If you are using NWNCX to access the multiplayer server lists, you can override the old GameSpy logo on the internet games list with one that gives credit to virusman and SkywingvL. That file is found here.

You may need to right-click on the links and select "Save As..." or "Save Link As..." (or similar option, depending on your browser software).