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Common Hak Package Installation

This page contains information about some of the more popular hak packages available and how to get them installed and running in your module.

Quick Jump: Community Expansion Pack (CEP) | Project Q

Community Expansion Pack (CEP) LogoCommunity Expansion Pack (CEP):


CEP Information and Links



1. Download desired full version (latest recommended, of course).
2. Decompress files
- .hak files go into your NWN/hak folder
- .tlk files go into your NWN/tlk folder (if you don't have one, just add it)
3. Start playing CEP modules and PWs!

Note: Some older modules may require use of older versions of CEP. Versions 2.0 and later are compatible backwards to v2. Modules requiring older versions will require you to download that older 1.x version, which will not interfere with your installation of the latest version.

1. Download desired full version (latest recommended, of course).
2. Decompress files
- .hak files go into your NWN/hak folder
- .tlk files go into your NWN/tlk folder (if you don't have one, just add it)
- .mod files go into your NWN/modules folder
- .erf files go into your NWN/erf folder
- - NOTE: If updating from a previous installation, make a backup copy of (or just don't overwrite) your cep2_custom.hak and/or cep2_build.hak if you've made any changes to them.
3. Add CEP to your module in the toolset (after making a backup copy)
- Open module in the toolset.
- Go to Edit > Module Properties > Custom Content
- Add latest cep .tlk file (cep260.tlk)
- Add cep2_ hak files (use dropdown list)
- Move hak files into correct order:
- - cep2_add_doors (optional)
- - cep2_add_loads (optional)
- - cep2_add_skies (optional)
- - cep2_add_tiles1 (optional)
- - + cep2_add_tiles2 (optional)
- - cep2_build (optional)
- - cep2_custom (optional)
- - cep2_ext_tiles (optional - use with cep2_add_tiles*)
- - cep2_top_2_60
- - cep2_add_phenos1
- - cep2_add_phenos2
- - cep2_add_phenos3
- - cep2_add_phenos4
- - cep2_add_phenos5
- - cep2_core0
- - cep2_core1
- - cep2_core2
- - cep2_core3
- - cep2_core4
- - cep2_core5
- - cep2_core6
- - cep2_core7
- Click OK to begin module build.
- Save when finished.

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Project Q LogoProject Q:


Project Q Site:

Download Latest Version (1.6):
Download from Neverwinter Nights Vaultx
or Download from Neverwinter Nexus



1. Download desired version (latest recommended, of course). Grab the "ambient", "haks", and "tlk" downloads.
2. Decompress files
- .hak files go into your NWN/hak folder
- projectq.tlk file goes into your NWN/tlk folder (if you don't have one, just add it)
- ambient sounds go into your NWN/ambient folder
3. Start playing Q modules and PWs!

1. Download desired version (latest recommended, of course). Grab all of the download pieces.
2. Decompress files
- .hak files go into your NWN/hak folder
- projectq.tlk file goes into your NWN/tlk folder (if you don't have one, just add it)
- files in /QDocs go into your NWN/docs folder
- .erf goes into your NWN/erf folder
- .mod file goes into your NWN/modules folder
- ambient sounds go into your NWN/ambient folder
3. Add Project Q to your module in the toolset (after making a backup copy)
- Open module in the toolset.
- Go to Edit > Module Properties > Custom Content
- Add latest Project Q .tlk file (projectq.tlk)
- Add q_ hak files (use dropdown list)
- Move hak files into correct order:
- - q_!armoury.hak (optional -- enables modified inventory systems)
- - q_!fightingsfx.hak (optional -- enables modified combat sound effects)
- - q_!tilesets.hak (optional -- enables custom tilesets)
- - q_2da.hak
- - q_creatures.hak
- - q_items.hak
- - q_placeables.hak
- - q_portraits.hak
- - q_race.hak
- - q_robe.hak
- - q_robe.hak
- - q_sounds.hak
- - q_tilesets.hak
- - q_vfxgui.hak
- Click OK to begin module build.
- Save when finished.

Project Q includes an ERF file that contains the resources for ALL versions upto and including v1.6. Due to the script revisions incorporated in v1.5, please note that once the v1.6 ERF has been imported into the module, 16 scripts will have been marked for deletion. They are included only for backwards compatability with v1.4 and Builders can either delete these files or leave them. The scripts marked for deletion are:

Note that the x2_* scripts are Bioware default scripts that have been reverted to their default coding. Deleting these scripts from a module will force the module to revert to the default versions included with the game.

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