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Neverwinter Nights Extender (NWNX2)

The Neverwinter Nights Extender (NWNX2 for NWN) adds extra functionality such as SQL database support, additional scripting functions, performance monitoring and many other features to the games Neverwinter Nights (and Neverwinter Nights 2, in the form of NWNX4). It supports a plugin architecture which makes it easy for third party developers to extend the game even further.

Key features of NWNX include:
- Makes SQL databases accessible from NWN
- Restarts the server after crashes or lockups
- Extensible through plugins, with many already available
- Completely free and licensed under the GPL

The following tables are designed to keep current NWNX2 information in one place for Neverwinter Nights builders and site admins. If you have information on more currently useful plugins, please send an email with all of the information to For information on installing (and possibly basic use), click on the little blue ± in the description.

Neverwinter Nights Extender (NWNX2)
main site Windows: download Linux: download | forum thread
NWNX2 is the version of NWNX for Neverwinter Nights. The website and forum are very helpful in getting this initially running on your server.

NWNX2 Plugins (Linux)
Plugin Current Version Files(s) Download Link Forum Thread and/or Info

Areas 0.3.2 download forum thread
Load new area resrefs (.are and .git) while server is running, by means of ResMan.
- Created by virusman, 2010.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the file into the same location your other NWNX2 plugins are accessed from.

Use: Use the included script to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Chat 1.0 download forum thread
Run a script on chat message events, optionally suppress & modify messages.
- Created by dumbo and virusman, 2011.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the file into the same location your other NWNX2 plugins are accessed from.

Use: Use the included scripts to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Connect 1.0 download forum thread
When running on the server, any player connecting with NWNCX can select PW-specific options during character creation (such as base classes, spells, and feats). The game client pre-loads the PW's haks.
- Created by virusman, 2012.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_connect.dll file into your main client-side NWN folder with the NWNCX files. (players)
Place the file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files. (server admin)
Note: May slow initial loading of character list and first area for servers with many haks.

Haks 1.0 download forum thread
Hides a server's .hak and .tlk files from the game client, so players can login to a server (in a custom content free area) for communicating with other players before committing to downloading a server's haks.
- Created by leo_x, 2012.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

Use: Use the included scripts to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Names 1.0.3 download forum thread
Allows dynamic setting of names that are visible for individual PCs.
- Created by virusman, 2010.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

Use: Use the included script to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Reset Plugin 0.2 download forum thread
This simple plugin gracefully shuts down the nwserver.exe process (the server software) via in-game scripting. This allows the program to shut down the module and save characters. NWNX2 will then restart the server automatically.
- Created by virusman, 2006.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_reset.dll file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

Use: In NWScript, add this call: SetLocalString(GetModule(),"NWNX!RESET!SHUTDOWN","1");

Server List pre-release download forum threadx
Automatically sends server information to SkywingvL's server listing service (used for various GameSpy replacement services).
- Created by virusman, 2013.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the file into the same location your other NWNX2 plugins are accessed from.

NWNX2 Plugins (Windows)
Plugin Current Version Files(s) Download Link Forum Thread and/or Info

Chat 0.3.4 nwnx_chat.dll download forum thread
Run a script on chat message events, optionally suppress & modify messages.
- Created by dumbo and virusman, 2008.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_chat.dll file into the same location your other NWNX2 plugins are accessed from.

Use: Use the included scripts to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Connect nwnx_connect.dll download forum thread
When running on the server, any player connecting with NWNCX can select PW-specific options during character creation (such as base classes, spells, and feats). The game client pre-loads the PW's haks.
- Ported to Windows by ShaDoOoW, 2013.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_connect.dll file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.
Note: May slow initial loading of character list and first area for servers with many haks.

Cool 1.1 nwnx_cool.dll downloadx forum thread
When combined with scripting, this plugin overrides number of attacks, unarmed base attack, weapon focus feats, and many more combat and weapon-related settings.
- Created by Terra_777, 2013.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_connect.dll file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

Use: Use the included scripts to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Funcs 0.0.941 nwnx_funcs.dll download forum thread
Opens many new functions for in-game scripting, from ability and skill adjustments (with no character boot needed) to item properties and more.
- Ported to Windows by Maxrock, 2010-2012.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_funcs.dll file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

Use: Use the included scripts to set up include files and access all the functions in the toolset.

Reset Plugin 0.2 nwnx_reset.dll download
This simple plugin gracefully shuts down the nwserver.exe process (the server software) via in-game scripting. This allows the program to shut down the module and save characters. NWNX2 will then restart the server automatically.
- Original plugin by Asmodae, rewritten by virusman, 2012.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_reset.dll file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

Use: In NWScript, add this call: SetLocalString(GetModule(),"NWNX!RESET!SHUTDOWN","1");

Server List pre-release nwnx_serverlist.dll download forum threadx
Automatically sends server information to SkywingvL's server listing service (used for various GameSpy replacement services).
- Created by virusman, 2013.
± Install/Use:
Installation: Place the nwnx_serverlist.dll file into your main server-side NWN folder with the NWNX files.

If having difficulty downloading, you may need to right-click on the links and select "Save As..." or "Save Link As..." (or similar option, depending on your browser software).