
From NWN Lexicon

Attempts a stun attack in a cone shaped spell out to 15.0 meters.

void ActionPsionicMB(
    object oSpellTarget


[edit] Parameters

The target of the spell function.

[edit] Description

Attempts a stun attack in a cone shaped spell out to 15.0 meters.

Anyone caught in the cone out to 15.0 meters, must make a Will save (DC 17) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds.

[edit] Requirements

#include "inc_mf_combat"

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// This function will cast a cone shaped spell out to 15 meters.
#include "inc_mf_combat"
void main()
    // Get object oTarget and cast spell at it.
    object oTarget = GetLastHostileActor();

[edit] See Also

functions:  GetLastHostileActor()

author: Baragg, editor: Mistress

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