
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] ActionWait(float)

Adds a wait action to an objects queue.

void ActionWait(
    float fSeconds = 0.0

[edit] Parameters


Time, in seconds, to wait. (Default: 0.0)

[edit] Description

Adding ActionWait() to an object action queue causes the object to pause fSeconds seconds before performing the next action in the queue.

[edit] Remarks

ActionWait() is useful for getting NPCs or other objects to stop what they're doing for a short amount of time before continuing a further sequence of actions.

N.B., ActionWait will NOT introduce a pause in the execution of your script - nothing will. If you want to delay the engine's execution of a piece of code (rather than an object's execution of an action), you should use DelayCommand() on an ExecuteScript() call instead.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

/* This code in an NPC's script will queue a set of actions to
 * make the NPC walk to a waypoint ("WP_LOOKING_1"), 
 * yell "Is anyone there?", pause 5 seconds for a response, 
 * and be suitably disappointed */
ActionSpeakString("Is anyone there?");
// --- NPC/NPC conversation ---
/* This sequence of Actions in a trigger's OnEnter script
 * will simulate a short conversation between two nearby NPCs.*/
object oFrodo = GetObjectByTag("Frodo");
object oSam   = GetObjectByTag("Sam");
AssignCommand(oSam, ActionWait(2.0));
AssignCommand(oFrodo, ActionSpeakString("Oh, Sam, will we ever make it to Mordor?"));
AssignCommand(oFrodo, ActionWait(4.0));
AssignCommand(oSam, ActionSpeakString("Of course we will, Master Frodo, if that pesky Gollum doesn't strangle us first."));
AssignCommand(oSam, ActionWait(4.0));
AssignCommand(oFrodo, ActionSpeakString("You're always so cheerful, Sam. I'm glad we're pals");
AssignCommand(oSam, ActionSpeakString("Pals? When this is over, you and I are going to have a long talk about the definition of 'walking holiday'.");

[edit] See Also



 author: Iskander Merriman, editor: Dave Robinson

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