
From NWN Lexicon

Stops playing the ambient soundtrack of an area.

void AmbientSoundStop(
    object oArea


[edit] Parameters

The area that should stop playing its ambient soundtrack.

[edit] Description

Stops playing oArea's ambient soundtrack.

[edit] Remarks

The soundtrack will not cut off abruptly. Instead, it will have a short fade out.

Contrast this with MusicBackgroundStop(), which stops playing the area's ambient music.

You can change the ambient soundtrack for the area using AmbientSoundChangeDay() and AmbientSoundChangeNight().

To start playing the soundtrack again, use AmbientSoundPlay().

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// This example script will stop the music from playing. If the ambient sound is
// crickets, we could make the crickets fade out when the player gets too close.
// A trigger's OnEnter script:
void main() 
    object oArea = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF);

[edit] See Also

functions:  AmbientSoundChangeDay, AmbientSoundChangeNight, AmbientSoundPlay

author: Iskander Merriman

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