Category:Area Functions
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Area Function Category
Functions used to deal with areas.
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Send a player's client to a new server, where the player's character will log in. | |
Changes the ambient daytime soundtrack of an area. | |
Modify an Area's nighttime soundtrack. | |
Starts the ambient soundtrack of an area playing. | |
Change the volume of the ambient daytime soundtrack in an area. | |
Change the volume of an area's ambient nighttime soundtrack | |
Stops ambient sounds playing in an area. | |
Counts all objects in the area with a matching tag. | |
Destroys the nearest object in the source's area by tag. | |
Destroys all the objects in the area with a given tag. | |
Reveals the entire map of an area to a player. | |
Creates a new location from a given location | |
This function returns a location directly in front of the target | |
Returns a float representing the angle between Location One and Location Two | |
Returns the area oTarget is currently in. | |
Returns the area that a particular location is in. | |
Gets the size of the area. | |
Returns location directly behind the target and facing same direction as the target | |
Approximates the central location of an area. | |
Gets the object that last opened or entered the calling object. | |
Get the object that last left the calling object. | |
Determines the first object in an area. | |
Returns a location on the left flank of the target | |
Returns a location that is the right flank (to the right and slightly behind) the Target | |
Gets the fog amount in the area. | |
Gets the fog color in the area. | |
Returns location to the forward left flank of the target | |
Returns location to the forward right flank of the target | |
Determines whether an area is above ground or not. | |
Determines whether an area is interior or underground. | |
Returns whether an area is natural or not | |
Retrieves the tag for the area of an object. | |
Determines the next object in an area. | |
Returns a location that is directly behind the target | |
Gets the skybox being used in the calling area. | |
Determines the color of the first main light of a tile. | |
Determines the second main light color for a tile. | |
Returns the resref ( TILESET_RESREF_* ) constant of the tileset used to create the area. | |
Gets the current weather conditions for a given area | |
Set the value of a Location data structure | |
Turn a location into a string. | |
Changes the background daytime music for the area specified. | |
Changes the background nighttime music for the area specified. | |
Gets the background battle track for an area. | |
Gets the daytime background track for an area. | |
Gets the nighttime background track for an area. | |
This function changes the delay (in milliseconds) of the background music. | |
Stops playing the currently selected background track. | |
Changes the battle music for the area specified. | |
Starts the currently selected battle track playing | |
Stops the currently playing battle track. | |
Sets the fog amount in the area. | |
Sets the fog color in the area. | |
Changes the sky that is displayed in the area. | |
Allows you to set the weather for an area or the entire module. | |
Changes the tiles of an entire area. | |
Similar to TLChangeAreaGroundTiles , but it auto determines height and width of the area. | |
Removes tile magic visual effects from an area. | |
Similar to TLResetAreaGroundTiles , but it auto determines height and width of the area. |
Pages in category "Area Functions"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.