
From NWN Lexicon

Perform a mobile action for an uncivilized creature.


[edit] Description

Perform a mobile action for an uncivilized creature.

Possible actions include:

  • Perform random limited animations.
  • Talk to an NW_STOP waypoint in the area.
  • Random walk if none available.

[edit] Remarks

Uses a random 6.

[edit] Requirements

#include "x0_i0_anims"

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Do random animation for an uncivilized critter when they perceive a player.
// This script should go in the NPC's OnPerception event.
#include "x0_i0_anims"
void main()
    object oPC = GetLastPerceived();
    if (GetIsPC(oPC))

[edit] See Also

functions:  AnimActionPlayRandomMobile

author: Baragg, editor: Mistress

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