From NWN Lexicon
Things that would appear on a battlefield.
This is a list of battlefield placeables appearing in the standard palette of the NWN Toolset.
[edit] Placeables
Placeable | ResRef | Tag |
Arrow-filled corpse | plc_arrowcorpse | Arrowfilledcorpse |
Bloodstain | plc_bloodstain | Bloodstain |
Bones | plc_bones | Bones |
Corpse Wagon | plc_fcrpsewagon | FlyCladCorpseWagon |
Defaced Statue | plc_statue2 | StatueDefaced |
Impaled Human Corpse | plc_impledcrpse1 | ImpalingSpearwHumanCorpse |
Impaled Human Head | plc_impledhead1 | ImpalingSpearwHumanHead |
Impaled Monster Corpse | plc_impledcrpse2 | ImpalingSpearwMonsterCorpse |
Impaled Monster Head | plc_impledhead2 | ImpalingSpearwMonsterHead |
Pile of Skulls | plc_pileskulls | PileofSkulls |
Plague Victim Corpse | plc_fplaguecrpse | FlyCladPlagueVictimCorpse |
Plague Victim Pyre | plc_plaguepyre | PlagueVictimPyre |
Rubble | plc_rubble | Rubble |
Rubble | x3_plc_rubble1 | x3_plc_rubble1 |
Rubble | x3_plc_rubble2 | x3_plc_rubble2 |
Rubble | x3_plc_rubble3 | x3_plc_rubble3 |
Ruined Wagon | plc_burnwagon | BurningWagon |
Ruined Wagon | plc_ruinwagon | RuinedWagon |
Scorch Mark | plc_weathmark | WeatheringScorchMark |
Skeletal Remains | x3_plc_skelmage | x3_plc_skelmage |
Skeletal Remains | x3_plc_skelwar2 | x3_plc_skelwar2 |
Skeletal Remains | x3_plc_skelwar | x3_plc_skelwar |
Skeleton Bones | nw_pl_skeleton | NW_PL_SKELETON |
Skull Pole | x0_skullpole | SkullPole |
Speared Corpse | plc_spearcorpse | SpearSwordfilledCorpse |
Wrecked Ballista | plc_ballistabrk | BallistaBurningBroken |
Wrecked Battering Ram | plc_bttrrambrk | BatteringRamBurningBroken |
Wrecked Catapult | plc_catpltbrk | CatapultBurningBroken |
Zombie corpse | nw_pl_zombie | NW_PL_ZOMBIE |
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel