Category:Resources Placeables

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Placeables

Placeables Description


Things that would appear on a battlefield.

Building Adornments

Parts and pieces for constructing a building.

Containers and Switches

Placeables that can contain items or be switched off and on.


Siege equipment and torture devices.


Miscellaneous exterior placeables.

Miscellaneous Interior

Miscellaneous interior placeables (like furniture).

Parks and Nature

Things that are normally found outside in nature.

Penants and Signs

Penants and signs.

Projectile Trap Origin

Starting points for projectile traps.

Secret Object

Objects hidden from view.

Trades and Academic and Farm

Work and craft equipment.

Treasure, Containers

Containers which contain different types and grades of treasures.

Treasure, High

Miscellaneous containers or objects that can "contain" various higher grade treasures.

Treasure, Low

Miscellaneous containers or objects that can "contain" various lower grade treasures.

Treasure, Medium

Miscellaneous containers or objects that can "contain" various mid grade treasures.

Treasure, Unique

Miscellaneous containers or objects that can "contain" various unique treasures.

Visual Effects

Eye catching visuals (ooh... its magic!).

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel


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