CIUseCraftItemSkill(object, int, string, int, object)

From NWN Lexicon

Does a craft check for a given crafting skill to craft an item.

object CIUseCraftItemSkill(
    object oPC,
    int nSkill,
    string sResRef,
    int nDC,
    object oContainer = OBJECT_INVALID


[edit] Parameters

Object (usually a creature or a PC) that does the crafting.
Skill used for the crafting process.
Resource reference of the item to be crafted.
Difficulty class for the crafting skill check.
Container object used during the crafting process (Default: OBJECT_INVALID).

[edit] Description

This function is used to craft an item. It does a skill check for oPC with the specified skill (nSkill) against the given difficulty class (nDC).

If the skill check is successful, an item with resource reference sResRef is created and placed in oPC's inventory.

If a non-default value is given for oContainer, the item is created in the specified oContainer object and then moved to oPC's inventory.

[edit] Requirements

#include "x2_inc_craft"

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

functions:  CIGetCraftItemStructFrom2DA

author: motu99, editor: Mistress

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