X2 inc craft
From NWN Lexicon
Contents |
[edit] x2_inc_craft
Central include for crafting feat and crafting skill system.
NOTE: This file includes x2_inc_switches .
[edit] Constants
Name | Value | Brief Description |
X2_CI_2DA_SCROLLS | des_crft_scroll | Name of the scroll 2da. |
X2_CI_BREWPOTION_COSTMODIFIER | 50 | GP Brew Potion XP cost modifier. |
X2_CI_BREWPOTION_FEAT_ID | 944 | Brew Potion feat simulation. |
X2_CI_BREWPOTION_MAXLEVEL | 3 | Max level for potions. |
X2_CI_BREWPOTION_NEWITEM_RESREF | x2_it_pcpotion | ResRef for new potion item. |
X2_CI_CRAFTINGSKILL_CTOKENBASE | 13220 | Base custom token for item modification conversations (do not change unless you want to change the conversation too). |
X2_CI_CRAFTINGSKILL_DC_CTOKENBASE | 14220 | Base custom token for DC item modification conversations (do not change unless you want to change the conversation too). |
X2_CI_CRAFTINGSKILL_GP_CTOKENBASE | 14320 | Base custom token for DC item modification conversations (do not change unless you want to change the conversation too). |
X2_CI_CRAFTING_AR_2DA | des_crft_armor | 2da for the craft skills. |
X2_CI_CRAFTING_ITEMS_PER_ROW | 5 | How many items per 2da row in X2_IP_CRAFTING_2DA. Do not change > 4 until you want to create more conversation condition scripts as well. |
X2_CI_CRAFTING_MAT_2DA | des_crft_mat | 2da for the craft skills. |
X2_CI_CRAFTING_SP_2DA | des_crft_spells | 2da for matching spells to properties. |
X2_CI_CRAFTING_WP_2DA | des_crft_weapon | 2da for the craft skills. |
X2_CI_CRAFTMODE_CONTAINER | 1 | No longer used, but left in for the community to reactivate. |
X2_CI_CRAFTSKILL_CONV | x2_p_craftskills | |
X2_CI_CRAFTWAND_COSTMODIFIER | 750 | Craft Wand cost modifier. |
X2_CI_CRAFTWAND_FEAT_ID | 946 | Craft Wand feat simulation. |
X2_CI_CRAFTWAND_MAXLEVEL | 4 | Max level for wands. |
X2_CI_CRAFTWAND_NEWITEM_RESREF | x2_it_pcwand | ResRef for new wand item. |
X2_CI_MODIFYARMOR_GP_CTOKENBASE | 14420 | Base custom token for DC item modification conversations (do not change unless you want to change the conversation too). |
X2_CI_SCRIBESCROLL_COSTMODIFIER | 25 | Scribe Scroll cost modifier. |
X2_CI_SCRIBESCROLL_FEAT_ID | 945 | Scribe Scroll feat simulation. |
X2_CI_SCRIBESCROLL_NEWITEM_RESREF | x2_it_pcscroll | ResRef for new scroll item. |
[edit] Structures
Name | Variables | Brief Description |
craft_receipe_struct | int nMode object oMajor object oMinor |
craft_struct | int nRow string sResRef int nDC int nCost string sLabel |
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Checks if the current spell was used to brew a potion and performs the brewing process. | |
CICraftCheckCraftWand | Internal function. Returns TRUE if the player used the last spell to craft a wand. |
Checks if the current spell was used to scribe a scroll and performs the scribe process. | |
CICraftCraftWand | Internal function. Create a new player made wand object with properties matching nSpellID and return it. |
Create and return a magic scroll for a specified spell. | |
CIDoCraftItemFromConversation | Internal function. Craft an item. This is only to be called from the crafting conversation spawned by x2_s2_crafting!!! |
CIGetArmorModificationCost | Internal function. Returns the DC to modify oOlditem to look like oNewItem. |
CIGetArmorModificationDC | Internal function. Returns the cost in gold piece that it would cost to modify oOlditem to look like oNewItem. |
CIGetCraftGPCost | Internal function. Wrapper for the crafting cost calculation, returns GP required. |
Retrieves craft information for a specified item. | |
CIGetCraftingModeFromTarget | Internal function. Returns craft_receipe_struct data. |
CIGetCraftingReceipeRow | Internal function. Retrieve the row in des_crft_bmat too look up recipe. |
CIGetCurrentModBackup | Internal function. Returns the value of the flag "X2_O_CRAFT_MODIFY_BACKUP". |
CIGetCurrentModItem | Internal function. Returns the value of the flag "X2_O_CRAFT_MODIFY_ITEM". |
CIGetCurrentModMode | Internal function. Returns the value of the flag "X2_L_CRAFT_MODIFY_MODE". |
CIGetCurrentModPart | Internal function. Returns the value of the flag "X2_TAILOR_CURRENT_PART". |
CIGetInModWeaponOrArmorConv | Internal function. Returns the value of the flag "X2_L_CRAFT_MODIFY_CONVERSATION". |
Returns TRUE if the object is a craft base item. | |
Determines if a spell is restricted for being used for crafting. | |
CIGetItemPartModificationCost | Internal function. Return the cost. |
CIGetItemPartModificationDC | Internal function. Returns the DC for modifying a certain armor part on oOldItem. |
CIGetSpellInnateLevel | Internal function. Returns the innate level of a spell. If bDefaultZeroToOne is given level 0 spell will be returned as level 1 spells. |
Checks if the caster intends to craft an item and returns TRUE if the spell is used up for crafting purposes. | |
CIGetWeaponModificationCost | Internal function. DC to modify oOlditem to look like oNewItem. |
CISetCurrentModBackup | Internal function. Sets the value of the flag "X2_O_CRAFT_MODIFY_BACKUP". |
CISetCurrentModItem | Internal function. Sets the value of the flag "X2_O_CRAFT_MODIFY_ITEM". |
CISetCurrentModMode | Internal function. Deletes or sets the value of the flag "X2_L_CRAFT_MODIFY_MODE". |
CISetCurrentModPart | Internal function. Store the part currently modified. Sets up the custom token for the conversation. Zooms the camera to that part. |
CISetDefaultModItemCamera | Internal function. Sets the camera facing. |
CISetupCraftingConversation | Internal function. Used to set all variable required for the crafting conversation. Used materials, number of choices, 2da row, skill and mode. |
CIUpdateModItemCostDC | Internal function. Sets the value of the flags "X2_TAILOR_CURRENT_COST" and "X2_TAILOR_CURRENT_DC". Sets the value of two custom tokens. |
Does a craft check for a given crafting skill to craft an item. | |
CI_GetClassMagicType | Internal function. Return the type of magic as one of the following constants. |
Create and return a magical potion for a specified spell. | |
Internal function. Gets the tag of the material component required for crafting. |
author: Mistress, contributor: motu99