
From NWN Lexicon

These are sounds related to combat, like staff whooshes and sword clangs.

[edit] Sound

Sound Appears Description Notes Expansion
cb_bu_materlrg thick fabric tears Single Shot -
cb_bu_matersml fabric rips Single Shot -
cb_bu_metallrg metal object struck Single Shot -
cb_bu_metalsml metal object struck Single Shot -
cb_bu_stonelrg large clay object struck, breaks Single Shot -
cb_bu_stonesml clay object struck, breaks Single Shot -
cb_bu_woodlrg large wood object struck, breaks Single Shot -
cb_bu_woodsml wood object struck, breaks Single Shot -
cb_ht_arrow1 arrow thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_arrowcrys1 arrow thud on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_arrowcrys2 arrow thud on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_bladechan1 metal chain struck Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladechan2 metal chain struck Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladecrys1 metal impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_bladecrys2 metal impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_bladeleth1 metal impact on flesh, leather Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladeleth2 metal impact on flesh, leather Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladeplat1 metal object strikes metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladeplat2 metal object strikes metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladeston1 metal object strikes, stone bits fall Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladeston2 metal object strikes, stone bits fall Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladewood1 metal object strikes wood Single Shot -
cb_ht_bladewood2 metal object strikes wood Single Shot -
cb_ht_bullet1 missile thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_chitin1 chitin struck, crunches Single Shot -
cb_ht_chitin2 metal object strikes chitin, crunches Single Shot -
cb_ht_chunk impact on flesh Single Shot -
cb_ht_critical deep impact on flesh Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrchan1 small metal object strikes chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrchan2 small metal object strikes chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrcrys1 small metal impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_daggrcrys2 small metal impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_daggrleth1 thud, fabric rips Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrleth2 stabbing thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrplat1 metal impact, small Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrplat2 metal impact, medium Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrston wood impact, chunks scatter Single Shot -
cb_ht_daggrwood log, wood impact, thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_dart1 tumbling missile thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_ethereal1 magical swipe Single Shot -
cb_ht_ethereal2 magical swipe Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshchan1 soft thud on chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshchan2 soft thud on chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshcrys1 thud on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_fleshcrys2 thud on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_fleshleth1 punching thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshleth2 punching thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshplat1 pounding on metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshplat2 pounding on metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshston1 pounding on dense surface Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshston2 pounding on dense surface Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshwood1 pounding, thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_fleshwood2 pounding, thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_foliage foliage, twig snaps Single Shot -
cb_ht_forcatk1 shriek, echoing Single Shot
cb_ht_forcatk2 shriek, echoing Single Shot
cb_ht_material soft thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblchan1 metal impact on chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblchan2 metal impact on chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblcrys1 metal impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_metblcrys2 metal impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_metblleth1 metal impact, thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblleth2 metal impact, thud, ripping Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblplat1 metal impact on metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblplat2 metal impact on metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblston1 metal impact on stone, bits scatter Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblston2 metal impact on stone, bits scatter Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblwood1 metal impact on wood Single Shot -
cb_ht_metblwood2 metal impact on wood Single Shot -
cb_ht_scale1 dull thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_scale2 dull thud, rip Single Shot -
cb_ht_shark1 underwater, growl Single Shot
cb_ht_shkchn1 underwater, chain impact Single Shot
cb_ht_shkchn2 underwater, thud impact Single Shot
cb_ht_shklet1 underwater, impact on flesh, leather Single Shot
cb_ht_shklet2 underwater, impact on flesh, leather Single Shot
cb_ht_shkplt1 underwater, impact on metal Single Shot
cb_ht_shkplt2 underwater, impact on metal Single Shot
cb_ht_slingcrys1 sling whoosh, impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_slingcrys2 sling whoosh, impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_throwaxe1 spinning missile strike, thud Single Shot -
cb_ht_whipchan1 metal chain struck Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipchan2 metal chain struck Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipcrys1 impact on crystal Single Shot
cb_ht_whipcrys2 impact on crystal Single Shot
cb_ht_whipleth1 fabric struck, tears Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipleth2 fabric, leather struck, thud Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipplat1 metal struck Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipplat2 metal struck Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipston clay tiles struck, break Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_whipwood wood struck Single Shot HotU
cb_ht_wodblchan1 impact on chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblchan2 impact on chain Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblcrys1 impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_wodblcrys1 impact on crystal, shatters Single Shot
cb_ht_wodblleth1 impact on fabric Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblleth2 impact on fabric, flesh Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblplat1 impact on metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblplat2 impact on metal Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblston1 impact on stone, bits scatter Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblston2 impact on stone, bits scatter Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblwood1 impact on wood, light Single Shot -
cb_ht_wodblwood2 impact on wood, large Single Shot -
cb_pa_blade pickup sound, blade Single Shot -
cb_pa_flail pickup sound, chain Single Shot -
cb_pa_metalblunt pickup sound, metal Single Shot -
cb_pa_other pickup sound, thud Single Shot -
cb_pa_unarmed pickup sound, soft thud Single Shot -
cb_pa_wood pickup sound, wood Single Shot -
cb_sh_ballista ballista shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_bow1 bow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_bow2 bow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_bowlow1 bow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_bowlow2 bow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_catapult catapult shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_prjtlacid acid projectile shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_prjtlcold cold projectile shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_prjtlelec electric projectile shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_prjtlfire fire projectile shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_prjtlsonc sonic projectile shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_sling1 sling shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_sling2 sling shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_xbow1 crossbow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_xbow2 crossbow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_xbowlow1 crossbow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sh_xbowlow2 crossbow shoots Single Shot -
cb_sw_armedlow1 attack, weapon swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_armedlow2 attack, weapon swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_blade1 attack, blade swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_blade2 attack, blade swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_bladehi1 attack, quick blade swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_bladehi2 attack, quick blade swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_bladelow1 attack, deep blade swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_bladelow2 attack, deep blade swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_blunt1 attack, weapon swoops, swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_blunt2 attack, weapon swoops, swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_chain1 attack, chain weapon swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_chain2 attack, chain weapon swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_chainlow1 attack, chain weapon swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_chainlow2 attack, chain weapon swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_pole1 attack, weapon, pole swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_pole2 attack, weapon, pole swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_shark1 underwater movement Single Shot
cb_sw_shark1 underwater movement Single Shot
cb_sw_unarmdlow1 attack swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_unarmdlow2 attack swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_unarmed1 attack swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_unarmed2 attack swings Single Shot -
cb_sw_whip1 whip snaps, cracks Single Shot HotU
cb_sw_whip2 whip snaps, cracks Single Shot HotU
cb_whirlwind whooping, object flying end over end Single Shot HotU

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel

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