Category:Resources Sound
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Sound
Sound | Description |
Sounds which animals make. | |
Noises made when a person, animal, or creature dies and falls to the ground. | |
Noises you would hear within a town or city. | |
Sounds related to combat, like staff whooshes and sword clangs. | |
Sounds created by monsters. | |
Door openings, closings, and other related sounds. | |
Noises made by moving people, creatures, or animals over terrain. | |
Sounds made by the graphical user interface (when you click on a button, etc.). | |
Horror sounds. | |
Sounds that placeables like containers and switches make. | |
Sounds related to items. | |
Sounds related to magical effects (do not confuse with Spell sounds). | |
Track numbers for use with several functions found within the Music Effects function category. You can use the TRACK_* constants instead of the numeric value for tracks. Track information provided by Tyson McCann. | |
Short musical sequences played throughout the game. | |
Outdoor or environmental sounds. | |
Sounds which cannot be easily categorized into any other category. | |
Sounds which people make (do not confuse this with Voice Set sounds). | |
Sounds made by spells and the casting of spells. | |
All voice related sounds. For more description of individual voice sets, see the " Voice Set (Overview) " category. | |
Voices for various characters in the game. | |
Sounds related to the weather. |
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress
Pages in category "Resources Sound"
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