Containers and Switches

From NWN Lexicon

This is a list of placeables that can contain items or be switched off and on appearing in the standard palette of the NWN Toolset.

[edit] Placeables

Placeable ResRef Tag
Armoire plc_armoire Armoire
Barrel plc_barrel Barrel
Barrel x2_easy_barrel x2_easy_Barrel
Barrel x3_plc_barrel1 x3_plc_barrel1
Barrel x3_plc_barrel2 x3_plc_barrel2
Barrel x3_plc_barrel3 x3_plc_barrel3
Basket x3_plc_basket x3_plc_basket
Black Barrel x2_plc_bbarrel X2_PLC_BBARREL
Black Crate x2_plc_bcrate1 X2_PLC_BCRATE1
Black Crate x2_plc_bcrate2 X2_PLC_BCRATE2
Book Piles plc_bookpiles Book Piles
Book Piles x0_tomepile x0_tomepile
Bookshelf plc_bookshelf Bookshelf
Cabinet plc_cabinet Cabinet
Chest nw_plc_chestburd nw_plc_chestburd
Chest nw_plc_chestsunk nw_plc_chestsunk
Chest plc_chest1 Chest1
Chest plc_chest2 Chest2
Chest plc_chest3 Chest3
Chest plc_chest4 Chest4
Chest x2_easy_chest1 x2_easy_Chest1
Chest x2_easy_chest2 x2_easy_Chest2
Chest x2_hard_chest4 x2_hard_Chest4
Chest x2_medium_chest3 x2_medium_Chest3
Chest x3_plc_chest001 x3_plc_chest001
ChestofDrawers plc_chstdrwrs Chest of Drawers
Coffin nw_vampire_shad NW_VAMPIRE_SHAD
Corpse plc_corpse1 Corpse1
Corpse plc_corpse2 Corpse2
Corpse plc_corpse3 Corpse3
Corpse plc_corpse4 Corpse4
Crate plc_box1 BoxCrate1
Crate plc_box2 BoxCrate2
Crate plc_box3 BoxCrate3
Crate plc_box4 BoxCrate4
Crate x2_easy_crate1 x2_easy_crate1
Crate x2_easy_crate2 x2_easy_crate2
Crate x2_easy_crate3 x2_easy_crate3
Crate x2_medium_crate4 x2_medium_crate4
Desk plc_desk Desk
Drow Chest x2_plc_chest_drw X2_PLC_CHEST_DRW
Drow Dresser x2_plc_ddresser1 X2_PLC_DDRESSER1
Drow Dresser x2_plc_ddresser2 X2_PLC_DDRESSER2
Fenberry Bush plc_fenbush PLC_Fenbush
Floor Lever plc_flrlever1 FloorLever1
Floor Lever plc_flrlever2 FloorLever2
Illithid Control x2_plc_mfdcont1 X2_PLC_MFDCONT1
Illithid Control x2_plc_mfdcont2 X2_PLC_MFDCONT2
Illithid Mechanism x2_plc_mfdevice1 X2_PLC_MFDEVICE1
Illithid Mechanism x2_plc_mfdevice2 X2_PLC_MFDEVICE2
Illithid Mechanism x2_plc_mfdevice3 X2_PLC_MFDEVICE3
Jars x3_plc_jars001 x3_plc_jars001
Loot Bag plc_lootbag1 LootBag1
Loot Bag plc_lootbag2 LootBag2
Loot Bag plc_lootbag3 LootBag3
Loot Bag plc_lootbag4 LootBag4
Loot Bag plc_lootbag5 LootBag5
Loot Bag plc_lootbag6 LootBag6
Pile of Stones plc_pilestones PLC_PileStones
Pillar plc_pllrbutton1 PillarButton1
Pillar plc_pllrbutton2 PillarButton2
Pillar plc_pllrlever1 PillarLever1
Pillar plc_pllrlever2 PillarLever2
Pressure Plate plc_prssplate1 PressurePlate1
Pressure Plate plc_prssplate2 PressurePlate2
Pull Chain plc_pullrope PullRopeChain
Rope x2_plc_rope X2_PLC_ROPE
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_1 X2_PLC_RUNEP_1
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_2 X2_PLC_RUNEP_2
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_3 X2_PLC_RUNEP_3
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_4 X2_PLC_RUNEP_4
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_5 X2_PLC_RUNEP_5
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_6 X2_PLC_RUNEP_6
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_7 X2_PLC_RUNEP_7
Rune Plate x2_plc_runep_8 X2_PLC_RUNEP_8
Sarcophagus plc_sarco1 SarcophagusEgyptian
Sarcophagus plc_sarco2 SarcophagusEvil
Sarcophagus plc_sarco3 SarcophagusGood
Sarcophagus x2_med_sarcevil x2_med_sarcevil
Sarcophagus x2_med_sarcgood x2_med_sarcgood
Sarcophagus x2_med_sarcoph x2_med_sarcoph
Sarcophagus x3_plc_sarcoph x3_plc_sarcoph
Stone Door x2_plc_sdoor3 X2_PLC_SDOOR3
Treasure plc_treasurelrg TreasureLarge
Treasure plc_treasuremed TreasureMedium
Treasure plc_treasuresml TreasureSmall
Urn x3_plc_urn001 x3_plc_urn001

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel

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