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[edit] EffectDeath(int, int)
Create a Death effect
effect EffectDeath( int nSpectacularDeath = FALSE, int nDisplayFeedback = TRUE );
[edit] Parameters
If this is TRUE, the creature to which this effect is applied will die in an extraordinary fashion (Default: FALSE)
(Default: TRUE)
[edit] Description
Returns a new effect object that when applied to a target, their hitpoints are set to -11, they play a death animation (if nSpectacularDeath is TRUE it will apply the 'chunky' death on NPCs, if they are set to in thier creature properties).
EffectDeath() can easily be countered by Immunity: Death Spells, which is what the immunity protects against. It is only considered easy from what is in the NwN pallet, and the fact that (even in D&D) many undead and constructs will be unaffected too.
The target this effect is applied to must be an object with valid hit points for it to work. This effect can only be applied instantly.
[edit] Remarks
Death: The creature becomes uncommandable - they can no longer move, attack, cast or whatever. When it is applied to doors or placeable objects, they are destroyed and play a shatter animation. The death effect is an instantaneous effect that sets the recipient to be 'dead' and then deletes itself, as all instant effects (it is one of the few non-reversible effects along with damage, heal, resurrection and a few others). You apply it, it sets the object dead, and it then disappears forever. To bring a creature back to life you need to use EffectResurrection().
Death will not hold a normal visual, so it is completely safe to use if you just want them to die - good for the On Dying Module event.
Effect functions are Constructors, which are special methods that help construct effect "objects". You can declare effects, and apply them using an ApplyEffectToObject() Command. See the Effect Tutorial for more details.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// Sample code for applying death to a target void main() { // This is the Object to apply the effect to. object oTarget = OBJECT_SELF; // Create the effect to apply effect eDeath = EffectDeath(); // Create the visual portion of the effect. This is instantly // applied and not persistant with wether or not we have the // above effect. effect eVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_DEATH); // Apply the visual effect to the target ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, oTarget); // Apply the effect to the object ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDeath, oTarget); }
[edit] See Also
author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Jasperre