Category:Combat Functions
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Combat Function Category
Combat related functions
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Causes the caller to enter the counterspell modal combat mode. | |
Causes an NPC to use a feat on oTarget. | |
Checks whether an object is an henchman or not. | |
Used in DetermineCombatRound to keep a henchmen bashing doors. | |
Gets the number of enemies in a sphere shape around a target. | |
Gets how many friendly creatures are within a spherical range of a target object. | |
Determines class-specific tactics. | |
Looks at the character classes of a NPC and determines which one to use in combat. | |
Determines NPC actions during any given round. | |
Create a Damage Reduction effect. | |
Returns a new effect object that makes the target more resistant to certain types of damage. | |
Creates a damage shield around the target that will damage successful attackers. | |
Create a Death effect. | |
This function returns a location directly in front of the target. | |
Returns location directly behind the target and facing same direction as the target. | |
Determine whether the specified X0_COMBAT_FLAG_* is set on the target. | |
Returns a location on the left flank of the target. | |
Returns a location that is the right flank (to the right and slightly behind) the target. | |
Returns location to the forward left flank of the target. | |
Returns location to the forward right flank of the target. | |
Determines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round. | |
Determines whether a creature is "fighting". | |
Gets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object. | |
Returns a location that is directly behind the target. | |
Makes the caller jump to the most damaged enemy. | |
Restores the number of base attacks back to it's original state. | |
Makes a guard search for and attack the nearest PC. | |
Sets the number of base attacks for the specified creature. | |
Set one of the X0_COMBAT_FLAG_* values on the target. | |
Checks for the special tactics flags and chooses tactics appropriately for each. | |
Special tactics for ambushers. | |
Special tactics for cowardly creatures. | |
Special tactics for defensive fighters. | |
Special tactics for ranged fighters. | |
Determines course of action for spell-casting NPC while being attacked by ranged foes. |
Pages in category "Combat Functions"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.