From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] GetCreatureStartingPackage(object)
Returns the default level up package
int GetCreatureStartingPackage( object oCreature );
[edit] Parameters
Creature to determine package of
[edit] Description
Returns the default package selected for this creature to level up with - returns PACKAGE_INVALID if error occurs.
[edit] Remarks
Returns a value of type PACKAGE_*. This function may be useful in conjunction with LevelUpHenchman.
This is also the value set in the toolset creature properties - under the "Class" section. This should always be valid in any module with this function, and every class has a default one (For example Outsiders do have a default levelup package).
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
constants: |
author: Lilac Soul, editor: Jasperre