Category:Henchmen Familiars Summoned Functions
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Henchmen/Familiars/Summoned Function Category
Functions used to deal with NPC henchmen, familiars, or summoned creatures.
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Forces an NPC to follow an object. | |
Causes a creature to attempt to use a skill on another object. | |
Adds a henchman NPC to a PC. | |
Plays voice chat messages that indicates the locked status of a door or placeable. | |
Clear the actions of one of each type of the PC's associates | |
Copies locals from earlier level henchmen to newer henchman | |
Summons a Balor to fight for the caster | |
Destroys all henchman items. | |
Destroys the chapter specific quest item given to oPC by the henchman. | |
Destroys the chapter specific reward item given to oPC by the henchman. | |
Make the henchman approach its master if it is too far away, depending on the distance it has been asked to keep | |
Levels up an NPC to appropriate PC henchman level. | |
Returns a Swarm effect. | |
Cause a creature to ready an appropriate weapon. | |
Get a creature's familiar creature type. | |
Gets a creature's familiar name. | |
Returns an object's associate. | |
Gets the start location of an NPC associate. | |
Returns the associate type of the specified creature | |
Checks if a henchman has been hired. | |
Causes the caller to move behind the player who is considered their Master. | |
Determines if an NPC henchman should level up. | |
Returns the default level up package | |
TRUE if the player has died. | |
Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. | |
Gets the PC's animal companion creature type. | |
Get a creature's animal companion name. | |
Determines the player that was the master of a NPC. | |
Determines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round. | |
Determines the henchman of a PC. | |
Retrieves the controller status of a familiar. | |
Get the last command issued to a given associate. | |
Gets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object. | |
Check if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event. | |
Finds the closest locked object up to a maximum of 10 objects away. | |
Determine who controls a creature. | |
Get a matched substring specified by a listen pattern. | |
Get the number of listen pattern substrings matched. | |
Gets the maximum number of henchmen | |
Returns if the henchman is working for the player. | |
Gives a reward item to the player. | |
Makes the henchman give his or her personal item to the player. | |
Checks if player has the chapter reward item. | |
Checks if the player has the henchmanâs personal item. | |
Determines whether an associate is busy. | |
Levels up a creature using the default settings. | |
Opens a player's inventory panel. | |
Doesnât work. | |
debug function for displaying strings. Returns the first pc in the area | |
Removes the henchmen from the employ of a PC. | |
Removes an associate NPC from the service of a PC. | |
Henchman becomes available for other instructions by PC. | |
Prepares an associate (henchman, summoned, familiar) to be commanded. | |
Sets an NPC associate's start location to it's current location. | |
Changes the behavior of an associate. | |
Sets whether a henchman has been hired before | |
Stores if the henchman has just died | |
Marks someone as an NPC henchman's former master PC. | |
Causes an associate to be considered busy. | |
Sets whether an object should listen. | |
Sets an object to listen to a particular pattern. | |
Sets the maximum number of henchmen | |
Specifies the visual special effect and specific creature to be summoned based on the spell cast. | |
Specifies the PC name the henchman is working for. | |
Creates the henchmen for each chapter of the original campaign of appropriate level for PC. | |
Sends a line of text overhead the henchman. | |
Removes henchmen 'hired' items for use in the original campaign. | |
Unpossesses a familiar from its controller. |
Pages in category "Henchmen Familiars Summoned Functions"
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