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[edit] GetCreatureTalentRandom(int, object)
Retrieves a random talent from a group of talents that a creature possesses.
talent GetCreatureTalentRandom( int nCategory, object oCreature = OBJECT_SELF );
[edit] Parameters
The creature who potentially possesses a talent within the specified talent category. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)
[edit] Description
Returns a random talent of oCreature, within nCategory.
[edit] Remarks
It is possible for nCreature not to have any talent within the specified nCategory. In this case this function will return an invalid talent, akin to OBJECT_INVALID, but you must use the GetIsTalentValid() to test this.
Specifying nCategory 1 actually returns talents of category 11 and vice versa.
Returns invalid talent if the creature is immobilized (toolset speed setting, entangle effect or cutscene immobility).
If nCategory = 0, returns anything without category, known feats (but not with 0 uses) and skills
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
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author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Jim Allen