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[edit] GetIsTalentValid(talent)
Check whether a talent is valid.
int GetIsTalentValid( talent tTalent );
[edit] Parameters
Talent to test for validity.
[edit] Description
Returns TRUE if tTalent is valid (akin to OBJECT_INVALID tests).
[edit] Remarks
A talent is a spell, skill or feat. This function has nothing to do with whether a creature possesses a talent; it merely tests whether the given talent exists in the game.
However, it's difficult to imagine how an invalid talent could be encountered. Talent objects are constructed by one of three functions: TalentFeat(FEAT_*), TalentSkill(SKILL_*), and TalentSpell(SPELL_*). The script compiler can therefore flag almost all potential invalid talents as compiler errors.
If there were functions like "GetFirstTalent()" and "GetNextTalent()", then GetIsTalentValid would be useful for placing in a while-loop conditional.
The GetCreatureTalentRandom() function will return a random talent from a given talent group and will return an invalid talent if that creature does not posses the randomly generated talent.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
void main() { talent tFireBall = TalentSpell(SPELL_FIREBALL); // valid talent tHeal = TalentSkill(SKILL_HEAL); // valid talent tJuggle = TalentSkill(SKILL_JUGGLE); // invalid, but compiler will catch it talent tMissle = TalentFeat(SPELL_MAGIC_MISSLE); // invalid, but compiler will not catch it if (!GetIsTalentValid(tMissle)) SendMessageToAllDMs("tMissle is not a valid talent"); // now we check for a random beneficial talent on OBJECT_SELF if (!GetIsTalentValid( GetCreatureTalentRandom(TALENT_CATEGORY_BENEFICIAL_PROTECTION_SINGLE) )) { SendMessageToAllDMs("Creature calling this script does not have a self protection talent."); } }
[edit] See Also
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author: Jason Harris, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): James Allen