
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetFogColor(int, object)

Gets the fog color in the area specified.

int GetFogColor(
    int nFogType,
    object oArea = OBJECT_INVALID

[edit] Parameters


Specifies whether the Sun, or Moon fog type is returned. Valid values for nFogType are FOG_TYPE_SUN or FOG_TYPE_MOON.


The area to get the fog color of. (Default: OBJECT_INVALID)

[edit] Description

Gets the fog color in the area specified.

If no valid area (or object) is specified, the area of the caller is used.

If an object other than an area is specified, will use the area that the object is currently in.

[edit] Remarks

If the fog type FOG_TYPE_ALL is specified the function always returns 0.

If the fog type specified is invalid the function always returns 0.

If the area specified is invalid and the area of the caller cannot be determined, or if the area specified is not an area object and the area that object is in cannot be determined (such as when called for an invalid area from a module event, or when called where the oArea specified is a PC who is transitioning between areas, or where the oArea specified is the module object), the function always returns 0.

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also





author: bernosky, editor: Mistress, Kookoo, contributor: Axe Murderer

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