
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetTileMainLight1Color(location)

Determines the color of the first main light of a tile.

int GetTileMainLight1Color(
    location lTile

[edit] Parameters


The location of the tile.

[edit] Description

Returns the color (TILE_MAIN_LIGHT_COLOR_*) for the main light 1 of the tile at lTile.

[edit] Remarks

This is another one of those counter intuitive functions. While you are affecting a specific tile that tile is being identified by a location. Also the location used to locate a tile is different than the location used to locate an object, a tile is located by the integer portion of a location in that tile / 10. Or for me I just remember that tiles are numbered in a zero based integer matrix, so the lower left tile in a 3X3 area would be located with a Location-object that has a member vector whose x and y = 0.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

//First we need to know what area the tiles are in
string sArea = "My Area Name";
//Next we need to create a new vector to identify a particular tile
vector vTile = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//Next we build a location for the specific tile, in this case the 
//tile located at 0,0 in the area.
location lTile = Location(GetObjectByTag(sAreaTag, 0), vTile, 0.0);
//With the location lTile we can now get the light color for that tile.
int iLight = GetTileMainLight1Color (lTile);
// ---
//First we need to know what area the tiles are in
string sArea = "My Area Name";
//Next we need to create a new vector to identify a particular tile vector vTile = Vector(1.0, 2.0, 0.0);
//Next we build a location for the specific tile, in this case the //tile located at the second column and third row (counting //from the lower left corner). location lTile = Location(GetObjectByTag(sAreaTag, 0), vTile, 0.0);
//With the location lTile we can now get the light color for that tile. int iLight = GetTileMainLight1Color (lTile);

[edit] See Also





 author: Michael Nork, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Roy Fisher

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