From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] GetTrapCreator(object)
Returns the name of the creature that set the specific trap.
object GetTrapCreator( object oTrapObject );
[edit] Parameters
a placeable, door or trigger
[edit] Description
Get the creator of oTrapObject, the creature that set the trap.
Returns OBJECT_INVALID if oTrapObject was created in the toolset.
[edit] Remarks
Only PC's can set traps, and therefore, this will always be a PC.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// On Disarm: If the trap creator is a valid PC, we give 10 XP because it is hard to disarm, as long as they didn't place it! void main() { // Trap is us object oTrap = OBJECT_SELF; // Get creator object oCreator = GetTrapCreator(oTrap); object oDisarmer = GetLastDisarmed(); // Check if the creator is a PC, and not the disarmer if(GetIsObjectValid(oCreator) && GetIsPC(oCreator) && oCreator != oDisarmer) { // Award 10XP GiveXPToCreature(oDisarmer, 10); } }
[edit] See Also
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author: Jody Fletcher, editor: Jasperre