From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] SetTrapDisabled(object)
Disables the trap on the specified object.
void SetTrapDisabled( object oTrap );
[edit] Parameters
a placeable, door or trigger.
[edit] Description
Disable oTrap.
[edit] Remarks
Can be used to create a mechanism to disarm a trap such as pulling a lever.
Disabling the trap is the same as manually disarming it and such will trigger trap's OnDisarm event.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// diables a trap that is on an object with Tag "Chest1" void main() { object oTrap = GetObjectByTag("Chest1"); SetTrapDisabled(oTrap); }
[edit] See Also
functions: |
author: Chaz Mead, editor: Jochem van 't Hull