From NWN Lexicon
[edit] GUI
Sounds made by the graphical user interface (when you click on a button, etc.).
[edit] Sound
Sound | Appears | Description | Notes |
gui_button | generic button click | Single Shot | |
gui_cannotequip | alarm beep, cannot equip item | Single Shot | |
gui_check | generic button click, checkbox | Single Shot | |
gui_close | generic button click, close window | Single Shot | |
gui_dm_alert | slight chime, DM alert | Single Shot | |
gui_dm_drop | slight magical chime, echoes, DM drop | Single Shot | |
gui_error | slight chime, alarm, error | Single Shot | |
gui_failspell | slight low whoosh, spell failure | Single Shot | |
gui_journaladd | chime, pen scrawling sound, jounal add | Single Shot | |
gui_learnspell | chime and whoosh, spell learned | Single Shot | |
gui_level_up | magical flourish, sparkles, level up | Single Shot | |
gui_magbag_full | error chime, sparkles, container full | Single Shot | |
gui_nowalk | dull double click, can't walk to area | Single Shot | |
gui_open | generic button click, window opens | Single Shot | |
gui_picklockfail | lock picks, failure | Single Shot | |
gui_picklockopen | lock picks, success | Single Shot | |
gui_potiondrink | gulp, potion drink | Single Shot | |
gui_prompt | slight double chime indicating prompt | Single Shot | |
gui_quest_done | completion of journal quest jingle | Single Shot | |
gui_quick_add | slight whoosh, add | Single Shot | |
gui_quick_erase | slight whoosh, erase | Single Shot | |
gui_radial_open | generic click, radial menu opens | Single Shot | |
gui_radial_slect | generic click, radial menu select | Single Shot | |
gui_scroll | generic light click, window scrolls | Single Shot | |
gui_select | generic light click, item selected | Single Shot | |
gui_spell_erase | magical whoosh, spell erased | Single Shot | |
gui_spell_mem | magical tinkles, spell learned | Single Shot | |
gui_traparm | trap armed, magical tinkles | Single Shot | |
gui_trapdisarm | trap disarmed, fading tinkles | Single Shot | |
gui_trapsetoff | generic click, trap triggered | Single Shot |