From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] HorseGetMountFailureMessage(object, object)
Obtain the horse mount error message.
string HorseGetMountFailureMessage( object oHorse, object oRider = OBJECT_INVALID );
[edit] Parameters
The horse to be mounted.
If specified, the rider who will mount.
[edit] Description
This is a companion function to HorseGetCanBeMounted , if you need a text message that explains why the horse cannot be mounted.
[edit] Remarks
A null string is returned if no failure is detected.
The parameters need to be identical to the HorseGetCanBeMounted call.
This function does not check that the rider has the Mount Actions feat.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x3_inc_horse "
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// Called from a conversation. Attempts to have a PC mount the horse specified by the tag. // If the horse can not be mounted, the failure message is sent to the PC. #include "x3_inc_horse" void main() { object oPC = GetPCSpeaker(); object oHorse = GetObjectByTag("tag of an existing horse"); if(HorseGetCanBeMounted(oHorse, oPC)) { AssignCommand(oPC, HorseMount(oHorse)); } else { SendMessageToPC(oPC, HorseGetMountFailureMessage(oHorse, oPC)); } }
[edit] See Also
functions: |
author: Proleric, editor: Mistress