Category:Horse Functions
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Horse Function Category
Functions that deal with horses.
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Add horse menu to a Player Character. | |
Change a creature to its standard race appearance. | |
Create a horse. | |
Action - Dismount from horse. | |
Force a creature to jump to an object. | |
Check whether an object can be mounted. | |
Check if a creature has a horse. | |
Retrieves the horses owned by a creature. | |
Check whether a creature is a mount. | |
Detect whether a creature is disabled. | |
Check if a creature is mounted. | |
Obtain the horse mount error message. | |
Retrieves the tail used for a horse. | |
Retrieves an object's assigned horse. | |
Retrieves the owner of a horse. | |
Retrieves a creature's Paladin mount. | |
Hitch a party's horses. | |
Change a creature to its standard race appearance if necessary. | |
Dismount instantly. | |
Change a creature to a mounted appearance instantly. | |
Action - Mount a horse. | |
Move associates away from master. | |
Preload horse animations. | |
Reload horse system from database. | |
Remove the owner from a horse. | |
Locate henchman's horses correctly. | |
Return inventory (saddlebags) to a horse. | |
Save party horses. | |
Set horse owner. | |
Set a creature to the riding phenotype. | |
Store a horse's inventory (saddlebags). | |
Action - Summon a Paladin mount. | |
Action - Unsummon a Paladin mount. |
author: Mistress, contributor: Proleric
Pages in category "Horse Functions"
The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.
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H cont. |
H cont. |