From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] HorseReloadFromDatabase(object, string)
Reload horse system from database.
void HorseReloadFromDatabase( object oPC, string sDatabase );
[edit] Parameters
The PC whose horses are to be reloaded.
The data base name.
[edit] Description
This function is provided for use with an OnClientEnter script when you are using a persistent world type environment and need the PC's mounted state reloaded.
It will also make sure that henchmen for the PC are also restored as they were.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x3_inc_horse "
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// A simple OnClientEnter script. // Refer to x3_mod_def_enter for the standard code. // The delay required on the data base load may vary by PW. #include "x3_inc_horse" void main() { object oPC = GetEnteringObject(); if((GetIsPC(oPC) || GetIsDM(oPC)) && !GetHasFeat(FEAT_HORSE_MENU, oPC)) { // add horse menu HorseAddHorseMenu(oPC); if(GetLocalInt(GetModule(),"X3_ENABLE_MOUNT_DB")) { // restore PC horse status from database DelayCommand(5.0, HorseReloadFromDatabase(oPC, X3_HORSE_DATABASE)); } } }
[edit] See Also
functions: |
author: Proleric, editor: Mistress